Missing, Loving, Crying

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Tino woke up after a while of restless sleep, his thoughts on Berwald. He had stopped crying, but was cold and the gashes on his body stung painfully. The nation was aware that he needed medical attention, but didn't really want to move from his spot at that moment.

With a small sigh, he peeked out of the closet to see Emil napping in the corner, Lukas obviously asleep on the couch, and Mathias standing guard. The Dane noticed him peeking out of the doors, and motioned him over. Tino stood up, and walked over to see what the other nation wanted.

"How are you doing?" Mathias asked Tino, noticing how disheveled the little nation looked. He felt like it was his duty to keep them all safe, and that included making sure his friend was feeling okay.

"I miss them." Tino replied quietly, sitting next to the Danish nation.

"They'll be safe." Mathias stated surely, as though he could possibly know the outcome of the dangerous escapade.

"But what if they aren't? What if they're already dead? Poor little Peter never deserved any of this... and Berwald..." At that point, Tino fell silent, for he had heard a noise from outside of the door.

Mathias drew his axe, and prepared himself for any combat that would take place. He had heard the sound as well, and hoped that it wasn't another 2p.

The two nations waited tensely for any more noises. They were greeted by sickening silence.

"Should we go check it out?" Tino whispered in a shakey voice, curious about what was outside, yet fearful.

"I guess I should. You stay here." Mathias said, starting to push some of the furniture away from the door. He cleared the way, and put a hand on the handle. Without hesitation, he pulled the door inward, and brandished his axe.

There in the doorway stood a tall blonde man, with missing glasses and an intense glare. He squinted, struggling to see into the room.

"BERWALD!" Tino shouted, seeing who was standing there. He ran at the other nation at full speed, and knocked him over. They both landed backwards in the hallway, and Mathias stepped out of their way. He turned, and went back in the room to check on Lukas.

"Did they hurt you? Are you okay? What happened? Have you seen Peter around?" A stream of questions exited Tino's mouth at a rapid pace, the small nation getting more and more excitable.

"Calm down." Berwald responded, putting a finger up to Tino's lips to shush him. He removed his hand to snake it around the other nation's waist, pulling the two closer together. "I've missed you."

Tino smiled, and burst into tears, laying his head down on Berwald's chest. He cried for a few minutes, while the Swede stroked his hair silently. Sometimes words didn't need to be said. If the love was there, it could be left unspoken.

Once Tino had calmed down, he lifted his head up to look Berwald in the eyes. Wordlessly, they stared into each others eyes. Lost in the tiny universes of emotion each small orb contained.

Then, slowly, they both moved their faces together, and brought their lips into a gentle kiss. It was by far the most magical kiss they had shared, full of pent-up longing and boundless love.

It was quite some time before they broke apart, each feeling dizzy from the kiss. Tino smiled, and pressed their foreheads together, closing his eyes.

"Don't ever leave me." Berwald whispered, running a hand over Tino's cheek lightly. He could feel the gashes, and it made him angry. Whoever had done that to his love would pay.

"I won't. I love you so much." Tino said with a happy sigh.

"I love you too." Berwald told him, pulling their faces together for another kiss.

They were interrupted however, by Mathias.

"Guys, sorry, but it's not safe out there in the hallway. Maybe you should come back in here." The Dane stated, feeling bad about breaking up their moment.

"Okay!" Tino responded, crawling off of Berwald and standing up. He helped his lover to his feet, and they both walked back into the room.

After they had gone in, Mathias pushed the rest of the furniture back in front of the door. He then went and sat on the floor with his back against the couch Lukas was on. The Norwegian nation stirred, and reached down to pull Mathias up on the couch.

"Hey!" The Dane shouted, and saw Lukas smirk, eyes still shut. Apparently he had been awake longer than he let on. "Oh, two can play this game!" Mathias said playfully, and moved onto the couch further. In a quick movement, he had transferred Lukas onto his own chest. They were face to face, the Norwegian nation still pretending to sleep.

"Oh come ooooon, Norge! I know you're awake!"


"You little asshole!"

Still nothing.

"That's it! I guess I have no choice!" Mathias exclaimed, and started tickling Lukas. The other nation's eyes snapped open, and he pinned Mathias' arms to his sides.

"Nope." He stated, glaring at the man underneath him. Mathias smiled nervously, and gave Lukas a quick peck on the lips. The Norwegian merely rolled his eyes, and went back to taking his nap.
Meanwhile, Tino and Berwald were snuggling together in the closet. They were also coming up with a plan to get everyone out of the mansion, and find Peter.

"I could be the bait." Tino suggested, knowing that the 2ps would definitely fall into a trap with himself as bait.

"No." Berwald responded, feeling protective over his boyfriend.

"Come on, Su-san! It's me that your crazy 2p wants! He'll definitely fall into the trap." Tino protested, biting his lip.

Berwald sighed, and trailed a had down the length of Tino's arm, feeling the thin gashes. "Is he the one that hurt you?" He asked, glaring angrily.

"Y-Yeah. But he won't be able to hurt me if you come too! He'll only get near me for a moment, before you and the others capture him. Then we can hold him prisoner until the other 2ps give Peter back." Tino explained, nuzzling his head into Berwald's chest.

"I really don't like this plan." The Swede stated his concern, frowning deeply.

"It's the only chance we have, Su-san. I have to be the bait." The little Finn begged, looking desperate. He wanted his whole family back as soon as possible.

Berwald thought for a moment, before replying. "Okay... I guess. But you're going to carry a gun in your belt just in case."

"No problem! I like guns!" Tino smiled, and gave his lover a little kiss on the cheek. 'I hope this will work out.' He thought. 'Though I guess I can't turn back now.'

(Hi guys! I've decided to update once a week at a steady pace. So basically you can expect updates on mondays, fridays, saturdays, or sundays! This chapter hasn't been edited for spelling and grammar, so I will edit it soon! I just wanted to give you all another chapter to keep you busy.

Oh, and could you guys maybe help me wth a small predicament? My mom said I could get another cosplay, and I wanna do a one of the Nordics... But I dunno who to be! HALP! I was thinking maybe Norway, but idk. OKAY BYE! remember to check out my other stories! Bye bye ~Psycho)

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