Let me stay

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Tino awoke in a dark room, a soundless atmosphere lending to the looming darkness around him. He dared not make any noise, for fear of that darkness and the unknown with which it held. The small nation tried to move around, but couldn't due to a chain connecting him to the wall.

He moved his hands in an attempt to get the chain off of them, but it was useless. The only thing that he felt was the cold scrape of the iron links against his skin. 'Where the hell am I?' He wondered, determined to find out and get away. He missed his Su-san already, and the others were probably worried sick.

With another desperate tug, he tried to see if the chain was loose on the wall. There was a metallic clank, and the metal around his hands fell to the ground. When it fell, there was a loud echoing BANG, which reverberated in the silence like a bad omen.

Breaking free had almost been, too easy...

Lukas was tired, but knew that someone had to be on guard duty.

It was night time, true, but the Norwegian nation had brought a gun with him, and felt safe as he stepped outside. He missed being home, but knew that going back was out of the question right then.

With a sigh, the nation sat down on a log outside of the tent, and took a look at the moon. Its brilliant glow made the trees look less menacing in the darkness, and cast faint shadows about the clearing. There were stars scattered about in their various places, some forming constellations.

It was truly beautiful out in the woods at night, with only the night sounds and the stars to keep him company. He felt so small, compared to the vast universe that stretched before him in the night sky. The feeling made him sad, yet in those moments he realised just how small the world was in comparison to the galaxy... the depths of space.

Caught up in the moment, he unconciously started humming a tune to a song he liked. In a little while, the humming turned to a quiet song.

"What doesn't kill you, makes you wish you were dead.
Got a hole in my soul going deeper and deeper... and I can't take...
One more moment, of this silence.
The lonely nothing, torturing me.
And the weight of the world is getting harder to hold up."

He sang quietly, enjoying his moment alone and disconnected from his problems.

"You sing beautifully, Lukas." Mathias' voice came from behind him, startling the Norwegian nation into pulling out his gun.

He pointed it at Mathias, but realised who it was and set it back down. "How long have you been standing there?" He asked the Dane.

"A while." Mathias replied casually.

"You creeper."

"You know you like it."

"Go away!"


Lukas then, got up and started walking into the woods alone, since Mathias wouldn't leave him be. But, like a lost puppy, the Danish nation went right after him.

"Wait up! You shouldn't be out here alone, it's dangerous! You even said so yourself." Mathias fretted, catching up to Lukas.

The smaller nation rolled his eyes, and leaned against a tree. "I want to protect you guys, so i'm guarding the camp. Just go back inside." Lukas protested, feeling a bit annoyed. Then he felt the butterfies surround his heart again, the fluttering sensation building up inside of him. 'How does he do this to me?' He thought, trying to make the feeling go away.

As if sensing that something was wrong, Mathias decided to stay put. "I'm not going just yet. You look lonely... sad even. Just...Open up! I'm not going to hurt you!" He exclaimed, looking Lukas in the eyes.

The Norwegian turned away, not meeting his gaze. The Dane had already broken down the walls he had put up in his mind. The ones that protected his feelings... yet he wasn't ready to make a move so soon... 'He'll only hurt me.' He thought, staring at the ground as if in a trance.

Mathias looked concerned that Lukas wasn't responding, and took a step closer to him. "I won't hurt you!" He repeated again, to emphasise that he meant it.

Lukas frowned, and continued to stare at the ground. He didn't know what to do or think anymore. Everything was so chaotic, and his feelings were only getting in his way. "Please go back inside, Matt." He whispered tensely.

"I already said no. Stop pushing me away! You can't live life all alone, it isn't good for you! Let me keep you company at least for now." Mathias countered, grabbing ahold of one of Lukas' gloved hands. He held it for a moment, before letting go. The smaller nation met his eyes for a split second after, showing him a look of pain and sadness. 'Why is he acting like this?' The Dane thought, as Lukas averted his eyes again.

Lukas, meanwhile, was lost in his own desolate thoughts.

'I can never tell him. It's better to keep it all inside, and be safe, rather than become broken.'
(aaaaand the Dennor intensifies! Anyway, there is going to be a lot mire action in the next chapter, and some possible bloodiness... so yeah! Get ready for badassery! Wooooo! And oh my gosh, I forgot to mention... ily guys^_^!!! Ok bye now!--- Author person)

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