Chapter 7: The Thing In the Woods

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It was damp outside of the mansion, and a light fog hung in the air like a veil of mysteries. The earth was covered in puddles of varying sizes, and a lone bird could be heard singing off in the distance.

In all, it was quite a beautiful sight for the two Nordic nations to behold, and they were silenced by their majestic surroundings.

After a while, Tino broke the silence by running out of the doorway and splashing in a puddle. He turned to Berwald with a grin, and beckoned him over with a movement of his hand.

The Swede, watched the smaller nation for a few more seconds, before walking over to join him. He stepped in a puddle, hardly making any splash at all.

Tino looked over at him with a disapproving glance. "Come on, Su-San! You can do better than that!" He teased, jumping into the puddle Berwald was in. The movement made a large amount of clear water fly up in the air, and drench the both of them.

The little Finn laughed, and dashed off into the woods as if escaping a crime scene. He intended for his taller friend to chase him, but was annoyed to see that said male didn't get it the implications of the action.

"Oh my gosh, Ber! Do you not understand that you're supposed to chase me?" Tino questioned a tad sarcastically. He rolled his eyes, and grabbed ahold of Berwald's hand, pulling him towards the beautiful woods.

The Swedish man tensed up slightly by the small amount of physical contact, but his companion didn't seem to notice as they went deeper into the forest.

After a while of companionable silence, a beautiful bird flew out in front of them. Tino gasped, and ran after it, so caught up in the sight that he forgot his common sense.

Berwald had no choice, but to follow after his friend. "Tino, wait up!" He called, already losing sight of the Finn because of the fog. He ran faster, and was starting to get worried when he heard laughter up ahead.

The Swedish country sighed with relief, but the relieved feeling was short lived. A few moments after the small laugh, came a sort of muffled cry and then a scream.

"Tino?!" Berwald shouted into the foggy curtain, running forward at a high speed.

"Ber, i'm over here! Help!" Tino cried from somewhere to his left. Of course, he ran in that direction, and ended up stumbling on something that was on the ground. He looked down to see that it was Tino, laying there looking pained.

"I-I was chasing the bird, when I saw something up ahead through the trees. I don't know what it was, but it scared me, then I fell on a rock and twisted my ankle." The small Finnish man explained, a few tears leaking from the corners of his eyes.

Berwald nodded in response, and knelt down, picking Tino up in his arms. The other country started crying, and wrapped his arms around the larger nation. The Swede whispered a few calming words, as he uneasily looked out into the woods, and started walking them back home. He felt a little bit of a blush appear on his cheeks despite the situation, though he couldn't help it... the other nation was just so close to him.

And that thing.... he didn't know what the hell the thing was that had scared Tino so much, but he was going to find out. Maybe Lukas could help, if it was a magical creature... but who knew what it was. Who knew what it wanted from them.

(HI GUYSSSS! I decided to add some drama into the plot, to liven things up a bit! Oh, and i'm going to make Berwald confess in one of the next few chapters! Also, I have a lot planned for this story, so i'll try to update more frequently! Thanks for reading! ~admin)

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