Chapter 12: The Game

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Whilst Berwald and Tino were tromping off down the trail in search of the creature, Mathias, Lukas, and Emil were back at camp. The three had found it hard to get to sleep, so they decided it would be fun to play a game.

It was more like Mathias harrassed the other two into playing it, since Emil was tired and Lukas was cranky.

"Hey Emil, truth or dare?" The loud Dane asked, smiling broadly. The icelandic nation sighed as he was asked, and replied simply with. "Dare."

"I dare you to go outside of the tent, and shout that you're in love with Justin Bieber!" Mathias exclaimed, laughing obnoxiously.

"How do you even know who Justin Bieber is?" Lukas asked, thinking about how funny it would be to see his brother doing the dare.

"I hang out with America, okay? I pick stuff up." The Danish nation countered, opening the tent flap and shoving Emil outside.

"I love Justin Bieber." Emil said in a sarcastic tone, not bothering to scream it loudly like he was told to do. "Okay, my turn now." He stated, crawling back into the tent.

"Can I quit this stupid game yet?" Lukas questioned as his brother turned to him.

"Not until I give you a truth ot dare!" Emil replied, the two glaring daggers at each other.

"Okay fine." The Norwegian said through clenched teeth. "Truth."

Mathias watched the two bicker, finding it to be amusing. When Emil asked Lukas truth or dare, and Lukas responded with truth, he was even more interested. "oooooh, whatcha gonna ask him?" He asked Emil.

The Icelandic nation ignored Mathias, and kept his attention focused on Lukas. Then he asked the age old question: "Who do you have a crush on?"

At this, the Norwegian nation started blushing profusely, and crawled into his sleeping bag. "Not telling." He muttered, refusing to come out of the bag.

"You have to tell us dude! That's the rule!" Mathias shouted, tackling the sleeping bag blob. He sat on Lukas until the smaller nation crawled out of the bag and started punching him. The Dane attempted to escape, but the angry nation wasn't going to let him get away that easily.

Emil just sat there waiting for them to quit chasing each other around the tent. He started getting kind of bored, so he decided to voice what he was thinking. "Guys, I get it that you both like flirting with each other, but i'm still here too! It would also be perfectly fine if you JUST KISSED ALREADY!" He shouted, getting their attention.

Lukas growled, and went back to his sleeping bag, but not before punching Mathias again. The Dane only smirked, and watched him go.

Emil sighed, and climbed into his own sleeping bag slowly. "You still didn't tell us who you like." He reminded his brother in an annoyed tone.

Lukas was silent for a moment before answering. "No one. I don't like anyone." He stated, lying. It sounded a lot like the truth though, so Mathias believed him.

Emil wasn't that easily swayed though, and kept pestering the Norwegian until the angry nation fell asleep. That left just the Danish and Icelandic nations awake.

"Do you think he actually meant what he said?" Mathias asked Emil as he attempted to get to sleep.

"No... he didn't. I already know who he likes." The smaller nation stated surely.

"Who???" Mathias questioned, looking pretty suprised.

"I can't tell or he'll kill me."


And with that, the coversation ceased, and the two fell asleep.

(Sorry that wasn't too long, my family is moving, so it's been rough for a bit. Cleaning, packing... all that shit. Anyway, i'll make the next chapter longer and more dramatic, okay? well, seeya! ~author)

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