In Which, the 2ps are Jerks

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After Tino's 2p, Thurston, had tackled Berwald down, he proceeded to knock him out. He was lying about the whole 'fun' part, since he had no interest in things like that whatsoever. Really, the 2p was mostly crabby and rude a lot, and liked to spend his time sharpening weaponry. So basically, he didn't care about what Bernard had planned for the 1p.

Thurston dragged Berwald down the hall, stopping finally when he got to Bernards's room. He barged in, and pulled the 1p after him. Then he dumped him on the floor, and went off to go find out where Bernard had gone.

It took a few minutes, but he heard him in one of the common rooms, probably hurting a guest. There was some speaking that Thurston couldn't quite hear, then he saw his own 1p dash off out of the room. He rolled his eyes, and went in to see what Bernard was up to.

"Hey, I dumped the other guy in your room." Thurston stated as he entered, leaving the door open behind himself.

"Aww, thank you darling! You're the best!" Bernard replied, wiping some blood off of his hands, and running over to the other 2p. Much to the smaller 2p's annoyance, he gave him an extremely tight hug.

"Ugh, lemme go!" Thurston complained, thrashing around.

"But I don't wannaaaa!" Bernard whined, picking the small red-eyed guy up.

"Let me GO!" Thurston growled, attempting to punch him.

"Noooo!" The larger 2p smiled, and giggled slightly.

"Dammit, just go capture the other 1ps or whatever! you can hug me later, dummy!" Thurston thrashed harder, and the other 2p let go.

"I'll definitely take you up on that offer, bye!" Bernard said slyly with a wink, and skipped out the door to go find Tino.

Thurston flipped him off, and walked back to his own room to get a few more throwing knives. He wanted to freak some of the 1ps out too, before he captured them. capturing them was his goal pretty much. The 2ps had been holding grudges against their 1p selves for years, and they finally got the perfect opportunity to wreak havoc. They wanted to destroy the 1ps, and become what they thought to be the rightful countries.

Thurston laughed quietly to himself, while putting two knives in his belt. 'Oh how that goody-two-shoes Tino will pay...' He thought with a wicked smile.

"Quickly! Barricade the door!" Tino shouted to Emil, as everyone sprung into action. There was a rough pound on the door, which made it shake on its hinges. This only made them go quicker, as Mathias and Lukas shoved the couch in front of the door. Tino pushed an armchair in front by himself, and Emil searched the room for weapons.

There was another loud blow to the door, and then silence. It was silent for so long, that Tino sat down in a corner and fell asleep. He had gotten very little the past few days, and couldn't really help it at that point.

Emil eventually found himself a broom to use as a weapon. He propped it up against the barricade, and leaned on the wall.

"That's a crappy weapon, Ice." Lukas commented from his spot on the floor, feeling pretty crabby.

"Shut up, I never asked your opinion." Emil responded, picking the broom back up. He made to chuck it at his brother, but Mathias intervened, and took the broom.

"This is hardly the time to be fighting amongst ourselves, remember who the enemy is!" The Dane exclaimed, tossing the broom to the side.

Emil crossed his arms, and slid down the wall to plop down on the floor. He pouted for a while, before taking a nap like Tino was doing.

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