Chapter 13: Sadness and Tears

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"Come on Su-san! We have to follow the footprints!" Tino whispered urgently. He grabbed the taller nation's hand, and started pulling him down the winding path.

Berwald responded by speeding up slightly so that he was in front of Tino. The little nation was so busy staring down at the footprints, that he ran into him.

"We need to think this through." The tall nation stated, looking down at the determined Finn with his piercing blue eyes. Tino huffed, and crossed his arms in a stubborn manner.

"I just want to find Peter!" He exclaimed, trying to push past Berwald. The Swede didn't let him though, and stooped down to pick the smaller blonde up.

"What if it's a trap? hmm? What if you get hurt? You can't help Peter if you're injured. Or kidnapped." Berwald replied, starting to walk back the way they had come. He had had a bad feeling about the footprints, as though whatever had left them had made it too easy...

On the other hand, it was the only solid evidence they had found so far. Either way, it was safer to just simply return to camp and check it out in the morning.

With a defeated sigh, Tino stopped struggling and went limp. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, then laid his head on Berwald's chest.

"I guess you're right... i'm sorry I was being irrational, I just miss Peter so much!" The little Finn apologized quietly, a small tear trickling down his face. In all honesty, he had loved and cared for Peter as though he was his own son. That's why he was so determined to get him back at all costs...

"It's okay." Berwald replied, looking out at the path so as not to trip. He understood what Tino was going through, and had felt as though he was equally responsible for Peter's well-being.

The Finnish nation nodded, and gently nuzzled his head into the crook of the Swede's neck.

The sun had gone down by the time they got back, and night creatures could be heard out in the woods. Berwald carried Tino all the way to camp, and set him down when they were at the tent.

They unzipped the tent, and crawled inside, shivering slightly due to the chilly breeze. As soon as they were in, the smaller nation dove into his sleeping bag to get warm. The tall blonde nation followed after, going into his own sleeping bag.

For a few moments, all was silent, until Tino piped up in a quiet tone, "Su-san? Umm... can I snuggle with you?"

Berwald didn't reply, just turned to the other country, and pulled him close.

"Thank you..." The little blonde responded, burying his face in the stoic man's chest. He felt himself blush, and got a little bit shy... though he was itching to try something out again.

Tino un-buried his face, and scooted upward until his and Berwald's faces were almost touching. The Swede had opened his eyes momentarily, confused as to what the other nation was doing.

"I uh... umm... wanted to maybe kiss you again." The smaller man said quietly, averting his eyes. He was so awkward with stuff like that, since he had never actually been in a relationship. And he didn't even know his relationship status with Berwald at that moment.

"Really...?" Berwald asked a bit incredulously. He was taken aback that Tino actually wanted to kiss him again.

"Yeah... umm... oh whatever, I guess- mmf" Tino's response was muffled by the taller nation pressing his lips gently against his own. It was just as magical as the first time, and even more passionate if that was possible.

Soon they had to pull away for air, and looked at each other lovingly. "I-" Tino started talking some more, but was cut off once again by a kiss.

And it seemed as though everything would be okay. That maybe there was a chance to find Peter, that no one else would be taken... but it was not to be.

(Hi guys! Lol no lemon rn, sowey! And omg imma have the bad guy/s be revealed soon!!!! So excited to get more kidnapping and drama onnnn! loool i'm such a jerkquad, sry. So yeah! Please don't be mad that this chapter is so shorttttt! I tried to make it cute and fluffy!!!! Anyway, voteeee, followwww, read my shit!!! Do all dat stuff! Bye! ~Psycho!)
(and i really idk about the title... does it sound stupid? I'm really a hopeless romantic, so I love poetic cute titles)

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