Of Evil and Hope

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Tino had been silent the entire time Bernard was hurting him. There were tears in his eyes, but he refused to give the 2p the satisfaction of seeing him cry full out.

"Oh Darling~ Why don't you just give in? Maybe then I wouldn't have to hurt you so much!" Bernard coaxed, grinning from ear to ear, knife in hand. Tino shook his head in defiance, and the 2p frowned. "Oh well! I guess i'll give you a few more warnings!" Bernard jerked his hand to the side, and left a slash down the small country's arm. He made another one on the other arm, and started laughing quietly.

Tino was shaking by then, fearful that the 2p would snap and hurt him further... or worse. The little blonde nation decided that it was better to let the creepy guy have what he wanted than get injured further... or get Peter hurt.

"O-Okay.... i'll play along." Tino stuttered, gritting his teeth to block out the pain from the multiple gashes on his body.

"Excellent~!" Bernard responded, throwing the knife across the room to stick in the wall. "Now... what to do first...?" He mused, running a hand over the cut on Tino's left cheek.

"Why not a game? Hide and seek?" Tino stated frantically, eyes shit tight in so as not to see the 2p and all his evilness.

The red eyed guy seemed to consider it for a moment, before letting go of Tino, and clapping his hands together childishly. "Yes! We can play that..." He trailed off, thinking. "If I win though, you have to let me keep you here, hmm... forever!" He continued with another sick grin.

"Okay... But if I win, then you have to let Me go along with anyone else you have here!" Tino demanded, opening his eyes to glare at the 2p. It was risky, but he knew how to win.

"Yeah yeah, that can be arranged... now let the game begin! Go and hide, darling~" Bernard said way too cheerfully, turning to face the wall. He began counting, and Tino scurried out of the room to go hide.

Tino dashed down a set of stairs, and scanned the area for any good weapons. There didn't seem to be any, so he continued on. His rough plan was to find a weapon, and hide with it until Bernard found him... then he would fight back. It was his only chance.

"Ready or not! Here I come!" The 2p shouted throughout the house, startling Tino into action. He ran down a hallway, and found a sharp looking coat rack at the end. 'This'll have to do!' He thought, picking it up and readying himself.

That was when he heard a small groan come from the room next to him. With a questioning look, the small blonde slowly pushed the door open to see...someone down the other hallway. The person was slouched against the wall, and appeared to be injured. Tino couldn't really tell who it was, since it was awfully dark. 'Wow, you would think that these stupid 2ps would be able to afford some decent lighting.' He thought sarcastically, and slowly made his way over to the figure. The Finn was cautious to keep the makeshift weapon between himself and the person.

There was another small sound of pain, and he discarded the coat rack to be sympathetic. "Hello? Who's there?" He whispered, drawing nearer.

"D-don't hurt me! Wait... TINO?!?" The guy shouted incredulously.

"Emil? Are you okay?" Tino responded, kneeling by his fallen friend.

"Yeah, i'm fine... where have you been? What happened? Have you seen the others? The others.... ohmygosh Berwald got hurt by one of them I think!" The Icelander spoke rapidly, his accent starting to make the speech confusing.

"Slow down, Icey! Now what were you saying about Berwald?" Tino asked, feeling the first little shiver of hope and/or panic set in.

"A... 2p attacked us, and knocked me out. The last thing I saw before blacking out was him jumping at Berwald." Emil explained, subconciously rubbing the injured part of his head with his hand.

Tino nodded silently, and grabbed the coat rack again. "Well, i'm being chased, so let's get out of here and go find the others. We need to escape this house!" He said determinedly, helping Emil up.

"Wait a moment... I feel a little bit light headed." The light haired icelandic nation frowned deeply, and stood there for a moment before going after Tino. He didn't want any 2ps to find them, and if that was to be a reality, then they had to keep moving.

The two nations made it out of the hallway and into a rather large kitchen-looking room. It was fairly normal, save the fact that dried blood was splattered on the walls and most surfaces. The sight was unpleasant to say the least, though the blood wasn't fresh, which gave the duo peace of mind.

They quickly exited that room to find another lengthy hallway, this time it had many doors on either side. With that discovery, Tino opened the first door and peeped inside. All it contained was some old furniture.

Behind the next door was much the same, and they decided that to find anything notable in the rooms, they would have to split up. Of course they would still be in the hallway, but just checking either side separately. Tino took the right side, and Emil the left.

The search began, and after a few minutes, Emil heard Tino let out a girlish squeal. He dashed over to see what the matter was, but the Finn closed the door he had been looking in rather quickly.

"What happened?" Emil questioned, trying to get past Tino to the door.

"One moment!" The other nation responded, and went into the room before closing the wooden barrier behind himself.

Emil sat outside of the room feeling kind of pissy. Why couldn't he go in as well? 'Whatever, i'll make myself useful by checking other rooms.' He thought, getting up to go back to his job.

Tino meanwhile, stood near the door with his hands covering his mouth to silence himself.

"Aww, you guys are too cute!" The Finn stated after a silent moment. He giggled quietly, and looked over at the two in question.

"Tino?!? Where did you come from?!?" Lukas asked incredulously, crawling off of Mathias with a deep blush. He hesitated, before flinging himself on the couch and covering his face.

"Well this is awkward." Mathias commented with a laugh, and sat up on the floor.

"I won't tell... if you don't want me to! I mean, you guys are totally adorable, and I ship it, and now i'll probably go write fanfictions about you, and OH MY GOSH YOU BETTER GET MARRIED! Yesss!" Tino rambled, earning an embarrassed glare from Lukas, and a small chuckle from Mathias.

"I think someone might need his Tumblr taken away..." The Dane said jokingly, knowing that Tino really really liked that website.

"You. Wouldn't. Dare." The Finn said in a threatening tone, a dark aura surrounding him, then he reverted back to his old cheerful self. "Anyway, Emil is out in the hall and... we're being chased by Berwald's 2p."

Without further ado, Emil burst into the room, and locked the door behind him. "He's here!!!! Oh... hi guys." The Icelander seemed completely annoyed to see his brother again, but didn't really care at that point.

Emil continued on with what he was saying. "Anyway, the 2p dude is right outside!"

(Tino found out about the DenNorrrrrrr! Hehe! I also like the thought of him being a fanboy. It would be hilarious to see him running a blog about ships and puppies and shit. Idk, just thought the story needed some humor at the end there. ANYWAYYY! Who will die next chapter?!?! Lol jk jk jk I won't kill off anyone... maybe:) But yeah, this chapter is pretty gosh diddly darn long, so BE GRATEFUL YOU KAWAII LITTLE TATER TOTS! T^T I am a celery, don't worry. Tater tots are lovely and cute, CELERIES ARE FUKIN CRAP. Okay, that is all! Remember to check out my other SuFin story i'm working on! THANK YOU ALL! ~Psychoooo OMF IT SAYS I DIDN'T PUBLISH THIS PART YET, BUT I JUST DID)

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