Teardrops and Bloodstains

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(trigger warning: some injury description, including blood and such)

"Is he...?" Tino asked Mathias, edging over to the two, tears in his eyes. Emil followed behind, shock written across his face.

"No! He can't be!" Mathias denied, sobbing over Lukas' still body, face contorted in immeasurable pain. "He can't. I... loved him."

Tino sat down next to Mathias, and patted his back comfortingly. Emil watched everything from the side, regretting all of those times he hadn't shown much love to his brother. Not to mention the times when he had refused to even acknowledge that they were related. He felt horrible, knowing he would never be able to make ammends.

Eventually, Tino lost it, and started crying along with Mathias. Emil couldn't help but shed a silent tear, any resentment he had towards the others fading away.

Then, there was a small groan.

"D-Den?" A weak voice spoke up, silencing the loud sobs.

"LUKAS?!?!" Mathias exclaimed incredulously, eyes snapping open at the sound of his lover's voice.

"Shh... too loud, dummy." Lukas whispered, opening his lavender eyes to look up at Mathias.

"You come back from the dead, and that's all you can say to me?" The Dane said with a small relieved chuckle. He sniffled, and lovingly ran a hand over Lukas' cheek.

By then, Tino had stepped away from the two lovers, going to stand by Emil. He was still crying from all of his pent up emotions from the past couple of days. Emil understood the struggle, and gave his friend a small hug.

"We'll find Ber and Peter again, don't worry." Emil stated, hushing Tino.

"I miss them. And i'm just so happy Lukas is alive." Tino looked concerned for a moment, and then continued. You should go talk to your brother. he needs it. You need it." He said, breaking out of the little hug, and ushering Emil over to Lukas and Mathias.

"I guess you're right." The Icelander responded, moving to kneel down by the Dane and Norwegian. "I'm sorry to ruin your little love bird moment, but I need to talk too." That was when he joined in on the cry-fest, tears leaking unchecked from his eyes. "Big brother, i'm sorry i've been a dick all of these years. Will you forgive me?"

Lukas gave a tiny smile, a smile that had rarely been seen by anyone. "You called me big brother." He said quietly.

"Yeah. I guess I did." Emil admitted, wiping tears from his eyes. He bent down and gave his brother a hug, before scooting away.

"Yes. I forgive you. Can you forgive me for being a crappy excuse for a brother?" The Norwegian asked, reaching out to touch the younger nation's hand.

Emil nodded, and turned away to let Mathias and Lukas continue their moment.

"Never do that again. I don't know how I would be able to handle it if you had... never mind." Mathias said to his lover. "I love you. I love you so much, Lukas Bondevik."

"And I love you too, you cute asshole." The Norwegian nation responded, pulling the Dane in for a deep kiss.

They broke away only when Tino came over with a first aid kit. The Finn had seen Lukas' blood soaked shirt, and decided to get the kit from the bag. He stepped around Emil, and set it down next to Mathias. "Do you want to do it? Or me?" He asked, suddenly wondering just how serious the wound was.

"I think I can do it." Mathias replied, carrying Lukas over to the couch near the barricade. He set him down, and Tino brought the kit over.

Slowly, the Danish nation pulled off his lover's blood stained shirt. The other nation winced, and clenched his hands into fists. Once the shirt was gone, Mathias surveyed the injury. It was bad. Really bad. Very deep, and still oozing some blood. It made the Dane a bit sick, juat looking at it, and thinking how much pain Lukas was probably in.

"Tino. This is going to need stitches, can you assist me?" The spikey haired nation asked, rummaging around in search of something to dab at the excess blood with.

He found some towelletes, and delicately soaked up some blood with them. Then Tino handed him some numbing cream to apply to the wound before actually stitching.

Lukas remained silent during the whole process, though his eyes were shut tight and looked to be in great pain. Emil wandered over, and sat on the couch next to his brother's head. "It's going to be okay, brother." The Icelander whispered, and grabbed onto his brother's hand to support him.

Once the whole stitching process was over, Mathias wrapped the wound up with bandages. He hoped he had done a good enough job with the whole thing. Seeing the worry in the Dane's eyes, Lukas reached a hand up to grab his tie, and pull him closer. "I'll be fine, Den. Quit worrying about me." He said, placing his lips on the other nation's for the second time in the past hour.

"Awwwe, I knew you two loved each other!" Emil fanboyed from where he was sitting on the couch.

"Emil! Stop watching us!" Lukas shouted, breaking away from the kiss momentarily.

"Make me! You guys are my otp, and I am NOT going to quit it!" Emil responded, jumping up and running to a corner of the room to observe in solitude.

Lukas rolled his eyes, and Mathias just looked dazed from being kissed. "Cat got your tongue, Den?" The Norwegian said with a smirk, releasing his hold on the Dane's tie. He closed his eyes, and rolled over to face the couch cushions, yawning quietly.

"Get some sleep, Norge. I'll stand guard." Mathias stated, and grabbed his battle axe. He then sat down right in front of the couch, a goofy grin on his face.

Tino surveyed everything from where he was sitting, in the room's closet. He had the door part way open, and was leaning back against the wall. The others seemed to be doing fine, but he was falling apart. The tears had not stopped, and his mind was in turmoil.

He wanted so many things that were out of his reach at that moment. Safety, love, the warmth of a hug, the feeling of happiness after a kiss, kissing in itself... The Finnish nation remembered when Berwald and himself had made a pillow fort a few years back, and watched a movie while inside of it. They had both fallen asleep, and when they woke up they had been snuggling pretty closely. Of course then Tino had just dismissed it as simple friendship, but he wanted more moments like that. As something more than friends.

He sniffled, and wiped at his eyes, taking a quick peek out of the closet to make sure the others were fine. After that, he plopped onto his side, and tried to get some rest. Because who knew when he would be able to rest well again?

(YoooooOOOooo! Was this chapter okay? Maybe? Anyway, i'm going to a con tomorrow, and i'm really excited! Yaay! Soooo... here's an update while I have time! How are you guys liking it so far? I've been working hard to make the chapters extra long:3 Just for you, lovelies! Bye now ~ Psycho)

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