Chapter 3: It's getting darker

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Tino grabbed ahold of Berwald's arm, and started pulling him down the stairs to the kitchen.

Once they got there, the Finnish man let go of his Swedish friend, and started getting out cooking supplies. He enjoyed making everybody dinner, it was quite calming to him preparing meals.

Suddenly, Peter dashed into the room at a rapid pace, with Hanatamago at his heels. He had a large grin plastered on his face, and was holding something in his grimy little hands.

"Hello Peter! Whatcha got there?" Tino asked, kneeling down to the small nation's level so he could talk to him face to face.

Peter opened up his hand, and held out a tiny frog. "Look what I found! Isn't it cute?" He asked, obviously proud of his catch.

"It's adorable Peter! But you'll have to put it back in its home before dinner, okay?" Tino stated, taking a look at the frog in the beaming boy's hands.

Berwald leaned on the counter, watching the event unfold. He liked how Tino had taken care of the situation, and how he spoke to the small boy. His words were always so filled with warmth and patience, it made Berwald want to smile.

"Okay!" Peter replied to Tino, running back out of the room with the frog and Hanatamago.

Tino smiled, and stood back up, walking over to Berwald. "Isn't he the cutest little thing?" He almost squealed, while getting more cooking supplies out.

"Ya, he definitely is." Berwald commented, helping Tino with the rest of the supplies. "Need any help cooking?" He asked as they finished up.

Tino nodded his head vigorously. "Sure. Thank you!" He exclaimed, and threw an apron over to the Swede, trying to contain soft laughter.

As the apron flew over to him, Berwald could tell why the Finnish man was giggling. The cooking garment was neon pink, and covered in hearts.

Berwald kept a straight face, and put it on, turning to Tino. The little blonde quickly put on a normal white apron, and made a mad dash for the kitchen door.

The taller blonde went after him, and caught him just before he got out the door. "Just where do you think you're going?" Berwald asked. He actually did have a sense of humor, but rarely showed it to anyone but Tino.

"I was escaping!" Tino said through giggles. It didn't really make him nervous, having Berwald so close to him. But If anyone else had been that close, he would've been creeped out.

"Well that's not happening." The Swedish man stated, and picked Tino up, carrying him bridal style back to the cooking area of the kitchen. Tino started laughing louder, and pretended to whack Berwald with his fists.

That was how their friendship was. Both relying on one another, sharing moments, but oblivious to their own feelings.

Little did they know, that under the thin shell of friendship lay hidden emotions that strove to break free of their restraints.

(I hope this Chapter doesn't suck! And thank you to the people that read my story! I know, there are few of you, but it still means a lot to me! ~Author)

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