Chapter 5: Thunder

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It was around 11:00 pm by the time the Nordics got to their separate rooms. Once they had settled, they all pretty much fell asleep, except for Tino.

A sizeable storm was brewing outside, and he could hear the sound of rain pattering on the roof and his window. The noise was quite distracting, and he rolled around, trying to ignore it.

Soon, the Finn sat up in bed, and gazed out the window into the darkness with wide eyes. Heaving a defeated sigh, he plopped back down, and grabbed his teddy bear so he didn't feel as lonely as he did.

All of a sudden, there was a crashing of outside. Tino rolled his eyes, and put on a determined face, as another thunder clap sounded. He wasn't afraid of thunder, or much of anything for that matter. But the storm would be a good excuse for him to seek companionship.

In no time at all, he had devised a plan, and grinned to himself. He swung his legs over the side of his bed, and hopped to the floor, making little noise as he did so.

Then he quietly snuck down the hall toward Berwald's bedroom. He hoped that his friend would let him stay the night with him, or even just stay up with him until he fell asleep.

Tino got to Berwald's room, and knocked on the door gently. He stood there for a few moments, before letting himself into the room.

"Hey Su-san. It's me." The small blonde stated, padding over to where Berwald was partially sleeping.

"T'no? Wh't 're y'o do'ng h're? Berwald responded in a groggy voice, his thick accent harder to understand than usual due to sleepiness.

"There's a thunderstorm, and I was scared. Can I stay the night with you?" Tino asked, bluffing about the being scared part. In all honesty, he hated being lonely and sought out friends whenever he could.

Berwald took pity on the smaller nation, who was currently trying his hardest to appear fearful. "Sure." He said quietly, and yawned.

"Yaaay! Thanks Berwald!" Tino exclaimed, and crawled under the covers next to his best friend.

The Swede had his back to his Finnish friend, so the other man couldn't see the light blush dusting his cheeks. 'get ahold of yourself.' Berwald thought to himself. 'he's your friend! Not a love interest!'

Tino sighed, and scooted closer to Berwald, oblivious to what was going on in the larger nation's mind. He was just happy that he wasn't alone anymore.

The innocent action by Tino made Berwald blush a deeper shade of pink. It was hard to ignore his feelings for the little blonde any longer, and he fought to control himself.

'okay. You like him a lot. Maybe even love him. These feelings have been going on for a while, but I didn't recognise what now?' The Swede thought, trying to sort his mind out a little. He was interrupted by Tino speaking to him silently.

"Goodnight." Was all that was uttered, before the smaller nation fell asleep, snuggling into the other nation's back.

Berwald responded with a delayed, "Goodnight." As more thoughts ran through his mind.

Soon, his thoughts started transitioning into dreams, and in no time, he too gave in to sleep.

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