The House In The Woods

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It had been a day since Tino had been taken, and even longer since Peter had been. Berwald was in a terrible funk, refusing to eat or sleep until he found his lover. The others were extremely worried for him, but they continued on with silent strength.

On the second day, the four came upon a creepy house deep within the woods. It was tall, easily three stories, and was the color of burnt wood. It had a high iron fence around it, with spikes on the top. Vines grew up the fence and house, lending to the disturbing vibe they put out.

"I don't like this place... at all..." Emil spoke up, after a moment of staring in silent awe at the house.

"Yeah, it's kind if weird. But we need to go check it out." Lukas responded, marching up to the front gate, and pushing it. The rusty thing opened with a ear-splitting screech, making Emil and Mathias cover their ears. Lukas rolled his eyes at them, and walked through the open gate. The others followed after him, Berwald taking up the rear.

They went down the long road up to the house and finally got to the front steps.

"What the hell is this place? I had no idea this was here!" Mathias exclaimed, running up to the front door excitedly. There were several broken windows running down the side of the house, and Emil walked over to peep in one. He saw nothing, since the interior of the creepy building was pitch black. Lukas looked around at the overgrown gardens surrounding the property, and tried to invision what the house must've looked like in its prime. In a way, it reminded him a bit of the Nordic house... it was the same size, and the garden looked the same. With a few mire glances, he began to find more and more similarities between the two.

"Does anyone else find it strange that this house and our house look so similar?" The Norwegian nation asked, looking at the others. Berwald took a few steps backward off of the porch, and stared up at the house. It definitely looked the same, no doubt about it.

Mathias dashed over to the door, knocking on it loudly... only to have it swing open on its rusty hinges like in a cliché horror scene. "Guys! Guys! The door's open!" He shouted, as Lukas tackled him and covered his mouth.

"Shuttup, buttwipe. It could be dangerous." The annoyed nation explained. Emil came over from the windows, and peeped his head around the open door. He then turned back to Mathias and Lukas on the ground and made a kissy face.

"EMIL! this is hardly the time for that!" Lukas responded in a whisper-shout. Mathias just silently giggled from underneath the Norwegian. Berwald, meanwhile, made his way over to the group, and stepped bravely inside the house. The others watched in horror, but nothing happened.

"Come on." He stated quietly, and went further into the darkened interior of the house. With that, Lukas climbed off of Mathias and went into the scary building as well. Emil was a bit hesitant at first, but his brother had gone... so he thought it must be okay. Mathias came last, dusting himself off from his encounter with the angry Norwegian.

Once everyone was inside, the door slammed shut behind them, and the darkness closed in around them. There was a girlish scream, and they all freaked out for a moment before realising that it was only Mathias.

"Don't scare me like that!" Lukas growled, searching around for the Dane in the dark, so he could smack him. Instead, he felt someone grab his arm, and pull him over to them. "Okay! Who is this!?" He questioned in an angry voice. No answer.

"Really! I'm kind of freaked out now! Quit it!" He protested further, only to have the person pick him up and hug him.

"Mathias. I know this is you. I. Am. Going. To. Hurt. You." He narrowed his eyes, and smacked the person holding him.

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