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The Nordic nations planned, and waited in the side room for the 2ps to arrive. They were about to go out and find one, when the door slowly swung open.

In the doorway stood Markell, Egil, Loki, and Paul with a struggling Peter in a dark bubble.

Mathias saw his 2p, and growled, clutching his axe tightly. Berwald stepped in front of Tino protectively, and drew a sword. Emil and Lukas both stood near Mathias with weapons drawn as well. If there was to be an encounter, they were all ready.

"Give him over, and we'll let you have your friends back." Mathias stated in an angry voice, obviously annoyed by his 2p's presence in the room.

"Ahh, I guess that's what'll have to be arranged then~ If not, the other two will never forgive me!" Loki replied with an eerie smile, he took the floating bubble that Peter was in, and pushed it in the Nordics' direction. Peter banged his small fists on the side of the bubble, shouting loudly. But no one could hear a word he was saying, due to the enchantments on the bubble.

As soon as Peter was sent over, Tino dashed to him and held onto the bubble. "Don't worry, Lukas will be able to get you out." The Finn said, tearing up a little bit.

"Now. Uphold your part of the bargain~" Loki continued in a threatening tone, stepping into the room. Markell and Egil walked in after him, leaving Paul out in the hallway.

With a dark glare, Berwald went over to the closet and brought forth the enchanted sleeping bag and bubble. Inside the spherical prison, Bernard was smiling and sitting down. The sleeping bag was squirming and writhing uncontrollably, since Thurston just wouldn't give up trying to escape.

"Here ya go." Berwald stated, and tossed the bag over to Markell, who caught it. The bubble was pushed over to Loki, and Berwald moved back over to his group.

"Okay, now go away. We don't want any trouble." Lukas said to the 2ps, giving them a death glare.

"Haha, you're so cute and fiesty my 1p~" Loki laughed, and started leading the others back out of the room. Mathias glared at Loki angrily, and held onto his lover protectively.

"Don't try anything, weirdo." The Dane growled, and waited until the 2ps had gone to let go of Lukas.

"Well that was tense." Emil commented, sitting down on the floor. Lukas nodded in agreement, and sat down next to his brother.

"They'll be back. We have to get out of here." Mathias said quietly for once, lost in thought.

"Can we get poor Peter out of his bubble first?!?" Tino shouted tearfully, butting in to their little talk.

"Yeah. I'll do it." Lukas replied, standing back up. He walked over to the sphere containing Peter, and put one gloved hand on it. Immediately the walls of the bubble dissolved, and the small blonde micronation tumbled out.

"Mama!" Peter cried, and jumped into Tino's arms. They both cried and hugged, before Berwald went and joined them. He wrapped his arms around the two, for a big group hug.

"Don't you EVER get yourself captured again! Do you hear me mister?" Tino chastised, pretending to be angry. Peter only laughed in relief, and buried his little face in Tino's arms. "It's okay now. You're safe....but mama??? You called me mama??"

"Well yeah, because you're my mommy now!" Peter explained, wiping away the rest of the tears from his eyes.

"But Peter, i'm a guy!"

"I know that, mama!"

"Okay, I guess you can call me that."


Peter smiled, and let go of Tino to hug attack Berwald. "And you're my papa!" The micronation stated, poking Berwald's cheek.

Tino started blushing at the implication that he and Berwald were married. Not that he minded it, the thought just made him excited and fluttery inside.

"Guys, get over it! We know you love each other!" Emil shouted over to the group, causing Peter to giggle again. Yeah, their family could work.

"Okay okay. Enough stalling. We really need to get out of this creepy house." Lukas interrupted, helping Emil to his feet.

"Agreed!" Mathias said, slinging an arm around Lukas' shoulder. The two then began making their way out the door and down the hall. Everyone else followed suit, with Berwald taking up the rear. Tino was in the middle, and carried Peter along, since the boy was far too weak to walk much on his own.

The caravan wandered around the house, getting more and more confused until they saw a door that looked like the exit.

"YES! BOOYAH!" Mathias screeched, and picked Lukas up bridal-style, running for the door. They reached their destination, and Mathias used his foot to kick the handle down and pull the door open.

"How ths hell-" Lukas questioned.

"I'm friggen talented, babe." Mathias responded with a wink, carrying his lover out of the house.

Lukas merely rolled his eyes, and snuggled himself deeper into Mathias' arms.

Peter watched everyone with a mixture of confusion and other things. He had definitely missed a lot in the few days he had been absent. And he really thought that Mathias and Lukas were cute together. Now, all he had to do was get his mama and papa together. Little did he know, they already were.

As the rest of the Nordics followed Mathias and Lukas outside, Peter wondered how he could get the Finnish and Swedish nations together.

That was when Berwald caught up to Peter and Tino, and placed a gentle kiss on Tino's cheek. 'awww! okay, I guess I don't need to plot.' Peter thought, smiling.

"Get a roooom!" Emil shouted, earning some muffled laughter from Mathias.

"Hey! There's a child here, Ice! You can't say that!" Tino protested, glaring.

Emil only chuckled, and continued walking along ad though nothing had happened.

They walked out of the gardens, and through the fence without trouble...but things started to get bad when it started raining.

"Shoot! Let's set up camp soon!" Mathias shouted over the sound of the rain. The others agreed, and after about an hour of walking, they stopped to set up camp.

It was going to be a long night, but at least they were all alive and together. But had the 2ps really let them escape that easily?
(Hey guys! I'm working on so many stories rn ugh! A couple I haven't published yet, and a few that I have. Anyway...It's 12:30 am here, and i'm tired. I hope this chapter didn't suck too badly! *has extremely low self esteem* Okey bai ~Authoooor )

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