Chapter 6: Rain Rain

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It was late morning, and both Tino and Berwald were still sleeping soundly in Berwald's bed.

Somehow during the night, they had gotten to the point where they were both facing each other, arms wrapped around one another. They breathed quietly, totally engrossed in one another.

This though, was a subconcious gesture. One that neither of them meant to do, and when they would wake up, they would pretend like nothing happened.

Soon, Tino stirred. He let his drowsy mind wander for a few minutes, before opening his eyes. The first thing he noticed was his close proximity to his friend, and he quickly looked away in embarassment.

He couldn't hide the fact that he kind of liked being held so gently, especially by... wait, what was he thinking? Tino shook his head to clear his thoughts, and untangled himself from Berwald while doing so.

Once he was free, he walked out of the room, and went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast. His stomach was grumbling, and he wondered what time it was.

He took a quick peek up at the circular wall clock, noticing that the time was 10:25.

"Well look who decided to join the living." A voice said sarcastically from the living room. It definitely belonged to Mathias, just judging by the tone.

Tino rolled his eyes, and tried to walk past him to the kitchen. He was stopped, however, by Mathias' hand grabbing his and pulling him onto the couch.

"Come oooon! Watch some tv with me!" The loud Dane exclaimed, smirking obnoxiously.

"I have to go make breakfast, Den. I'm hungry." The little Fin protested, slightly annoyed by his friend's attitude. The spikey-haired blonde had been flirting with him a lot in the past days, and it made Tino uneasy.

"Just one show?" Mathias begged with a desperate look, still holding on to Tino's hand.

"First of all, please stop... And second of all, I'll only watch tv if you stop hitting on me!" The Finnish man stated angrily, pulling his hand away from Mathias, and crossing his arms.

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the doorway. "What's happening here?"

Tino and Mathias looked over to see Lukas standing in the doorway, with an annoyed expression on his face. He yawned, and walked over, sitting in the space between the Dane and the Fin.

Mathias looked terrified, while Tino mentally cheered, hoping that maybe Lukas would make the other blonde stop. The Norwegian man seemed to catch on to the mood, and started radiating his fearful aura.

The Danish man gulped, and got up, speeding away rather quickly from the scene.

"Thank you, Norge!" Tino said brightly to Lukas after the Danish nation had gone out. He stood up himself, and walked back to the kitchen to make breakfast, after giving Lukas a knowing smile.

The Norwegian merely rolled his eyes in denial. That didn't do anything to change Tino's mind though, he just knew Lukas had a crush on Mathias.

After a while, all the others came from their various places in the house, and gathered in the living room. They all watched tv, except Emil and Tino who were doing the cooking.

Emil had offered to help, since Berwald was fast asleep on the couch. Peter wanted to help too, but Emil shooed him outside to go play in the mud puddles.

In no time at all, a mouthwatering breakfast of pancakes and fresh fruit was ready, and they all ate up. After that, Lukas dragged Mathias over to do the dishes.

Tino went off to find Berwald, but accidentally tripped on his way upstairs. Before he could fall, a steady arm wrapped around his waist, holding him up.

The person let go, and Tino
turned around to see that it was Berwald. He gave a small sigh of relief, and hugged his friend. "Thank you Su-san!" The little blonde stated gratefully.

Berwald mumbled a quiet reply, returning the other country's hug. He was slightly startled when Tino grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards the front door.

"We should go for a walk. I know it's wet out, but that'll just make it even prettier!" The small Finn exclaimed, pulling his friend along.

Berwald didn't care, he had other things on his mind... like what he was going to do about his emotions towards Tino.

"Okay. Let's go."

(Author's note: I'm sorry about all the implied Dennor, I just really really like that pairing! And I know, I kind of made Denny the bad guy a bit in this... BUT I DIDN'T MEAN TOOOOO! HE'S LIKE ONE OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS! Okay, so yeah! Have a great daaay/week/month/year/2367432675 years/whatever you're into)

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