Chapter 4: movie night

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Tino and Berwald went back to cooking, and soon finished the meal. They called the others from their various rooms, and everyone sat down to eat the delicious food.

After the meal, the others went their separate ways, but Peter had a plan. He wanted to go play in the rain, since he knew a storm was brewing up outside.

"Hey guys! Can I go play outside?" He asked Berwald and Tino, who were in the kitchen clearing up the dishes.

Tino stopped what he was doing, and looked over at the small boy with a sorry smile. "Not right now, Peter. It's getting dark out, and it's close to your bedtime." He responded, walking over to the micronation.

"Aww, but it's going to rain! And I want to play outside with the frogs!" The boy whined, and flung himself on the floor in a fit of drama. Tino gave a little sigh, and picked Peter up. He started carrying the boy out of the kitchen to his room, throwing an apologetic glance back to Berwald.

The Swede shrugged, and continued to do dishes. He wasn't as good with kids as Tino was, and sometimes he scared them by accident. Peter was an exception to that though, with his loud personality, and outgoing ways. It almost felt as if they were a family, the three of them. Which they technically were, but Tino and Berwald were just too oblivious to see how perfect the situation was.

After reading Peter a story, and tucking him in, Tino came back to the kitchen to help with the rest of the dishes. But to his suprise, his Swedish friend had already completed the task.

"Hey Su-san! Do you want to get the others and watch the movie now?" Tino suggested, seeing a bored-looking Berwald leaning on the kitchen counter.

Berwald nodded, and went towards the tv room to pick a movie. He left the 'gathering the others' part for Tino, who was much more social.

The little Finn smiled, and walked out of the kitchen. He dashed up the staircase, and to the others' rooms. One by one, he gathered the other three Nordics, and brought them down to the tv room. Everyone sat down on the large couch, and got ready to watch whatever Berwald had picked out for them.

They were all excited to find out that it was of their favorite genre, horror, and was one they hadn't seen before. Even Tino was a fan of horror movies, though he liked to pretend to be scared of them just for the fun of it.

The movie started, and Berwald and Emil watched intently, both with blank faces. Lukas scooted away to the edge of the couch, and attempted to take a nap, while Tino sat between Mathias and Berwald.

The cute little blonde wasn't afraid of that particular movie, but got a little weirded out when Mathias started trying to flirt with him. The obnoxious Dane was pretty flirtatious, but was even more so in a dark room when no one was paying attention.

First he had done the whole, 'yawn, and put arm around shoulders' thing, which Tino could take. But then he had tried to pull the little Fin onto his lap.

"Leave me alone, Den." Tino protested with a pout. He crossed his arms, and looked at the tv screen, trying to scoot away. Mathias didn't take the hint, and kept trying to flirt with Tino in various ways, before Berwald intervened.

"Den, he told you to leave him alone." The Swede growled, pulling his friend away from the energetic spikey haired nordic. Berwald didn't know why, but he felt jealous towards Mathias, and wanted to keep Tino away from him.

As the movie progressed, Mathias switched his attention to Lukas, who had fallen asleep. This made Berwald flood with relief, as the Dane moved away from Tino.

"Thank you Su-san." The Finn whispered sleepily, starting to drift off.

"No problem." Berwald replied, looking over at the smaller blonde.

Tino smiled, and yawned quietly, laying his head on Berwald's shoulder. The innocent action made the Swedish man's head fill with questions, that he fought to suppress. It was hard, but eventually he managed to clear his mind, and keep watching the movie.

"I'm cold." Tino stated, nuzzling his friend's shoulder slightly. He wasn't really paying attention to the movie anymore, and was thinking about everything that had happened that day.

Berwald responded to the statement, by experimentally wrapping his arms around the other nation. Tino sighed gently, and snuggled up to his friend, enjoying the warmth he brought.

They stayed like that until the end of the movie, and when it was over, got up with the others.

Neither one of them acknowledged what had happened, but both had it in their minds throughout the rest of the evening. That movie night had felt different, though neither of the two knew why.

But then, Berwald understood. Finally, after so many years, he got it.

He was in love with his best friend.

(woo! I updated! And there was actually fluff this time, yaaay! ~Author)

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