Chapter 8: Is Everything Okay?

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Berwald and Tino walked back to the house in silence, with the larger nation carrying the smaller one. Tino was still sniffling a little bit from his scare, but for the most part he was fine. The guy was usually tough as nails, so a quick recovery was in the near future.

Once they got back, the Swede carried his Finnish friend up the stairs and to the man's room. He set him down on the bed, and started to walk out when Tino interrupted him.

"C-Can you please stay?" He asked in a scared tone. He was obviously still a bit shaken from the experience in the woods, and Berwald took pity on him.

The tall nation came back over to his friend, and sat on the edge of the bed. Tino immediately scooted over to him, and wrapped his small arms around his waist. He then nuzzled his face into the other nation's back.

Berwald smiled slightly, feeling at ease with Tino's touch.

'Pull it together.' He thought, turning to face his friend. The other nation just kept sniffling, and tightened his hold, crawling into Berwald's lap.

The two of them stayed that way for a moment, before the Swedish nation returned the hug. He felt bad for him, and the thing in the woods must have been pretty bad for Tino to be acting so scared.

Suddenly, Mathias burst through the door. "Hey Tino, you in here?" He questioned loudly, before spotting Tino and Berwald on the bed. His eyes grew wide, and he backed up towards the hall.

" now a bad time?" He asked, still staring at them from the doorway with a look of confusion and suprise.

Berwald let go of Tino, and scooted away from him on the bed. "We were just hugging, Den. Like friends do!" The smaller of the nations responded, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Uh-huh. Okay... i'm gonna go now." The Dane stated, before closing the door rather quickly, and leaving them alone.

Once he had gone, Tino let out a small sigh, and flopped backwards on his bed. "Well he was acting strange!" He said innocently, not really getting what Mathias had been implying before.

"Ya, he really doesn't know what he's saying..." Berwald agreed, fighting the impulse to run after the Dane and strangle him with whatever he could find.

Tino blushed lightly, and got up off of the bed, turning to face the other nation. "Su-san, I was wondering..." He trailed off for a moment. "What you wanted for dinner!" He continued, suddenly remembering what he had been about to say.

"I don't care." Berwald replied, getting up as well, and walking out of the room with Tino. The taller nation noticed that the smaller one was still limping from his fall.

"You okay?" He asked, giving Tino a concerned look. The cute little blonde just flashed him a small smile, and continued going on.

"I'm fine! A little scared, but fine!" He stated, attempting to reassure Berwald a little bit. It did nothing to soothe the Swede's worry though, as he watched the smile melt from Tino's face.

In that moment, Berwald made the decision to stay nearby his friend at all times. He didn't want anything bad to happen to him, though no one was able to tell what the future held...


Just outside of the mansion, stood a dark figure obscured by the dense foliage of the forest. It watched through the windows... waiting.

(Sooooooo.... how was that chapter? Sorry it was kind of short, I had a busy week. Anyway, I'm trying to add drama to offset all the adorable fluff. And i'm planning to make the Nordics go on a camping trip in the woods soon! that should be interesting! Well, stay tuned to read what happens next! ~Author)

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