Happy Ending?

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(Warning: That question mark)

Many days were spent getting back home, and the Nordic nations were worn out. On the last day in the woods, they set up camp as always and went to their tents.

Peter was very tired that day, and decided to go to bed early. He crawled into a sleeping bag, and immediately fell asleep. Tino and Berwald didn't want him to be in the tent alone, so they went to sleep for the night as well.

That left Mathias, Lukas, and Emil alone in their tent. Emil had tried to go out for a walk, but his brother hadn't let him.

"I'm old enough to make my own choices." The Icelander protested.

"You're not going anywhere. I don't want you to get hurt or taken." Lukas countered, and got in his sleeping bag.

Emil sighed exasperatedly. "Fine." He said, going into his own sleeping bag.

Mathias had been watching from the side, but not saying anything. He saw Lukas getting ready to sleep, and went over to his own sleeping bag. He shimmied inside, and attempted to get some sleep.

Lukas, feeling lonely and wanting snuggles, scooted himself over to Mathias. The Danish nation was happy that his Norwegian counterpart actually did want him around.

"What are you smiling like an idiot for?" Lukas mumbled, and rolled onto his side, facing away from the other male. He then nestled into the other male's chest with his back, signalling that he wanted Mathias to cuddle him back.

"I was smiling like an idiot, because you're adorable." Mathias whispered, and wrapped his arms around Lukas's waist. "I love you." He said after a pause.

"I love you too, dork face."


In the other tent, Tino and Berwald had been snuggling for a while. Peter had wanted some space, so he had crawled over to the corner of the tent. That meant that his caretakers could have some time together. The two nations had decided to share a large sleeping bag, and were pressed against one another in silent snuggles. Just before they were about to fall asleep, Berwald pressed a small kiss to Tino's cheek, and whispered, "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Su-san."

In the morning, they packed up camp, and went on their way. It wasn't much farther to their home, and they were excited.

Trudging through the trees, the forest began to be less-dense, and they came to the edge of it. A small ways away was their home.

"Yes! We're home!" Mathias cheered, pumping a fist into the air.

"Finally. I missed mr. Puffin." Iceland grumbled from the back of the group.

"I hope everything's okay..." Tino trailed off, still nervous from the 2p encounter.

That was when they noticed the faint smell of gasoline and alcohol.

Suddenly, Loki appeared in front of them holding a lit match. He smiled deviously, and tossed the match on the side of the house. Then he waved, and disappeared.

Fire burst out at the base of the house, as the nations watched in horror. The flames licked the wall, and moved upward to begin covering the home.

Nothing could be done to stop it.

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