Chapter 15: Okay?

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(back in time a bit, a few hours ago)

Late in the night, Tino had been awoken by the sound of someone outside. He lay still, paralyzed by fear at who or what it was. Then he heard a a noise that seemed to change his mind...

It sounded as though a young child was crying.

The Finn immediately slipped out of Berwald's embrace, and went to go check it out. 'Could it be Peter?' He thought over and over again, unzipping the tent flap quietly.

Stepping outside, he saw a small figure retreat into the bushes nearby. He was about the same height as Peter, and was definitely crying.

Tino cautiously walked over to see if the boy was, in fact, Peter. The child kept looking around at the dark woods, as though he feared what was out there.

When he got close enough, the Finn realised that something was horribly wrong. For one... Peter didn't have red eyes, and for another, he felt as though there was someone watching him besides the kid.

Too bad he didn't turn around in time.
(Don't kill me for that! I promise not to kill off any characters rn, and HAVE YOU FIGURED OUT WHO THE BAD GUY IS YET?
"Have you tried looking down any of the paths yet?" Emil asked Berwald, as the usually stoney man started having a breakdown. He wasn't crying, just acting more emotional than usual. The others were pretty concerned about someone else being taken... and the situation was just getting out of hand.

That morning when Berwald had found Tino missing, he had checked everywhere for him. He even went into the others' tent to look, just in case. That had only caused them to wake up, and start getting freaked out too.

All of them had gone and sat on the grass in a little circle to discuss what to do next. It was terrifying to know that whatever had been taking the others could come back any time for them.

"Okay. We're all staying together. No splitting up whatsoever." Lukas stated seriously, the others nodding in agreement.

"Not even groups of two though?" Mathias questioned, looking kind of dejected.

"Whatever, I guess just don't go off alone, got it?" The Norwegian answered, before going back to the game plan. "We're going to need to pack up camp and search deeper in the woods. We'll set up again before it gets dark, to be safer. Any objections?" He waited patiently as Mathias raised his hand. "Yes?"

"Can I share a tent with you again?" The Dane asked, making puppy eyes.

"That is irrelevant to this conversation, and possibly. Now let's get going guys." Lukas finished, and went off to go take down camp. The others followed after him to help out.

For some reason, they had kind of appointed Lukas as their leader in that time of crisis. He was just the most level-headed right then, with Emil acting pissy and freaked out, Mathias being a weird puppy thing, and Berwald trying not to break down.

Soon, the camp was packed up, and Lukas used a spell to compress the gear into one backpack. He forced Mathias to carry it, then started walking into the forest. "Come on guys, we need to cover some ground before nightfall."

They all followed after, hoping against all hope that they would be able to find Tino and Peter before anything bad happened to them.

After a few hours of walking, Emil started getting crabby. He wanted to stop and take a nap, but the others ignored him and kept on going. Determined to get what he wanted, he lagged behind the group and threw sassy comments at Lukas and Mathias. He left Berwald alone though, because the guy had been through enough already.

"Guuuuuuys, we've been walking for far too long, can't we take a break?" The Icelandic nation complained, stomping along angrily.

Lukas responded with a loud, "No!"

"Why are you such an asshole, loosen up bro."

"Shut it Emil."

And with that, their conversation came to an end.

Some time later, the group decided that it was a good time to stop. Mathias put the backpack down, and started unloading stuff, while Emil dramatically flung himself to the ground. Lukas surveyed the area to make sure it was safe, and Berwald thought it would be fine to help Mathias.

The two didn't always get along, but they had soon gotten a tent up along with the supplies. The other tent was left in the bag, since Lukas still wanted them all to stay together. The tent that had been put up was also very large, so everybody had enough room.

With a loud yawn, Emil immediately dismissed himself to go to bed. Berwald followed a few minutes after, looking heartbroken that Tino wasn't there. His usually-expressionless face was sullen, as he left the group to sleep.

With the other two gone, only the Norwegian and Danish nations were left. They sat on a log, and were quiet for some time, before Mathias spoke. "Why do you hate me so much?"

Lukas was a bit taken aback by the sudden question, but scowled and answered. "I don't hate you. You just get on my nerves a lot."

"Oh..." Mathias trailed off, sounding as though he was lost in thought.

Then there was silence between them for a few minutes, as each quietly pondered his own thoughts.

"We'd better get to sleep soon, there'll be more walking tomorrow." The smaller of the two nations said, breaking the silence.

Mathias nodded, and made a move to stand up, but sat back down again. He looked as though he was about to say something, but didn't.

Lukas noticed the slight shift in the mood, and wanted to comment on it, but he too decided against it.

Then, they both stood up and went to the tent, and eventually to sleep.

Neither one had said what needed to be said, and both were left feeling incomplete... worried about everything, and their feelings.

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