Chapter 2: clouds appear

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Presently, Tino was startled from his tiny daydream by a loud knock at his door. He stood up and went over to sit on his bed, still lost in his own imagination.

"Come in!" He called, and waited until the door opened up. When it was finally pushed open, a tall blonde with glasses stood in the doorway.

"Hello Su-san!" Tino exclaimed excitedly, running over and giving his tall friend a hug. Berwald wasn't startled by the action, but was still a bit tentative about hugging back. He did though, after a moment or two of Tino squeezing him tightly.

"Hullo Tino." Berwald replied in his thick Swedish accent. It sent chills down said Finnish man's spine, despite his better judgement.

"I missed you today! How were the errands?" Tino asked the tall blonde, finally letting go of him.

Berwald sighed quietly. "They were boring as always. Especially with Mathias talking the entire time." He relieved the whole trip in detail for Tino to hear, speaking more than he usually did.

"Awww, well at least there's movie night to make up for the bad day." Tino responded, thinking on the bright side of things like he always did.

"Ya, I guess." The Swede said in an uninterested tone. Tino noticed that Berwald looked preoccupied, as though something was bothering him. He could just tell by the way his eyes looked distant, and his words weren't as calculated as usual.

Tino voiced his observation with a concerned look. "Are you ok, Su-san?" He asked, looking up at the other man with a slight tilt of his head.

Thought there were many things going through Berwald's head, he decided he didn't want to burden his friend with anything. "I'm okej, really."

Tino looked doubtful for a moment, but soon believed the lie. "I was worried there for a minute! Now come on, let's go make some dinner!" He said with a smile, and grabbed Berwald's arm, dragging him down the stairs towards the kitchen.

'Damn... I hope he's alright...' Tino thought to himself.

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