In Times of Darkness, Search For The Light

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Lukas had been awake for some time, wondering when Mathias would wake up. He didn't like the thought of falling asleep again in the creepy-ass mansion thingy, so he stared at the wall. It was pretty boring actually, but he got over it, since the alternative was possibly getting hurt in his sleep. 'How was I so stupid as to snooze before!?' He mentally questioned, frowning intensely.

Just as he was at the point of getting up and actually finding something to do, he felt Mathias stir. There was a moment of stillness, before he felt a pair of arms snake around his waist and pull him closer.

"M-Mat..." Lukas whispered, obviously flustered by the sudden gesture.

There was no response, and the Norwegian felt confused. Then he heard a small snore, and realised that his Danish pal was asleep still. 'that adorable idiot.' He thought with a roll of his eyes. 'Might as well enjoy it while it lasts.' He rolled himself over to face Mathias, and buried his face in the other nation's chest. He truly was shameless when it came to getting cuddles. Though he would never admit that he liked them that much... and if the Dane woke up soon, he could just pretend to be asleep.

Lukas sniggered to himself, smiling for once as he absorbed his crush's warmth. Then he remembered his dream. 'Loki....' He thought, tensing up just remembering the creepy red eyes of his 2p. No way was that creep going to take Mathias from him, and he was going to find his brother before anything happened to him! Lukas was too stubborn for his own good, and knew that if he had to, he would singlehandedly save the others from the 2ps.

The Norwegian was lost in his thoughts for a long time, before Mathias stirred again. The Danish nation yawned, and opened his eyes sleepily. The other nation quickly pretended to be asleep, while he listened intently to figure out what the Dane was going to do.

Lukas was shocked when Mathias leaned down, and gave him a little kiss on the forehead. 'Whaaa- what does that mean?!?' His mind began running around like crazy, thinking of what it could potentially mean. 'Okay, I guess now is the time to pretend to wake up.' he thought, until Mathias started talking quietly.

"If only I could hold you like this forever. I just realised that i've been in love with you the whole time, I know right? Like... a long time! I just, kind of lost hope I think and directed my feelings elsewhere. Anyway. I just wish... that maybe we could be happy together. But you hate me, so I guess i'm happy with being friends." The Danish nation said quietly, revealing his thoughts. Little did he know, Lukas had heard the whole thing and was flipping out.

'what should I do what should I do what should I do.' His mind raced, making him even more panicked. Without another thought, he let his instincts take over.

Lukas did a little fake yawn, and opened his eyes. He didn't dare say anything for a few moments, but instead looked around pretending to be sleepy.

Mathias noticed that he was awake, and quickly let go of him. "Hello!" The Dane greeted in a cheerful voice. Lukas didn't really have a plan, so he just went with what he would normally do... which was scoot far away from Mathias. He scooted as far as he could, but the back of the couch stopped him from going any farther.

"Oh, sorry Norge!" Mathias exclaimed, and rolled off the couch to plop on the floor. He knew that the Norwegian had a thing for personal space, as he had found out many times before.

Lukas let out what he hoped sounded like a partially relieved and/or crabby sigh, and then moved over to the couch edge to peep over the side at Mathias. He glared at him, and chucked a pillow on his face for good measure.

"Hey! What was that for!?" The Danish nation shrieked, but was silenced by another harsh glare from his companion. He gulped, and hid under the pillow that had been tossed.

"Hey, fucknugget! Gimme the pillow back." Lukas demanded, reaching out for it. Mathias shook his head, and pulled the pillow away from his friend's grasp. This only made the Norwegian fall off of the couch, and onto the other nation.

"Oh um..." Mathias trailed off, looking up at Lukas nervously. He was honestly pretty scared that he was going to get attacked. But just the opposite happened.

Lukas stared intensely down at Mathias, before quickly smashing his lips against the Danish nation's.

Mathias was totally taken by surprise. Never in a million years did he think Lukas would actually kiss him! It was like a part of him was finally complete, as he started to kiss back.

Maybe if they ever got out of the crazy 2p encounter, the two could go out sometime. Lukas knew he would definitely like to do that. And maybe, they would even be together. Who knew.

In a moment, Lukas pulled away, and held his face over Mathias', straddling his hips.

"I- You- what- huh?" The Dane stammered, looking at the Norwegian with a light blush. He quickly got over his loss of words, wrapped an arm around Lukas' waist and pulled his head down with the other arm for another kiss.

And that was how they stayed for the longest time, silently sharing kisses and trying to forget about the rest of the world. But all too soon, it would have to end... thanks to some stupid red-eyed assbutts.

(I think that was the sassiest chapter I have written so far... *tears up* I am so proud of my sassy fictional children! Anywaaaaaay! Hi guys! Long time no see~ I guess you liked the last chapter? Yeah? Well, here is some fluff to make up for the mentally distressing things that will most likely happen very soon... SO YEAH! ILY GUYS! AND CHECK OUT MY NEW MERMAID!SUFIN STORY! Byeee! ~Psychoooo)

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