chapter 27

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My hands continually shook as I sat up at the head of the bed, my friends watching me at the foot of my bed, their eyes held a collage of emotions from happiness and relief to wariness and even fear. They stared at me as if i were an alien to them, not their friend. As if they expected me to implode into a storm of colors and thunder. I bit the inside of my lip and the salty taste of blood flowed over my tongue, my taste buds marvelled joyously at the taste and i felt my eyes widen and tears prickle my cheeks as i felt sick to the stomach of my reaction to the taste of blood.


I was a monster. Í wasn't Gemima anymore, i was something different. Why else would i enjoy the taste of blood, have my friends stare at me in fear and ached to tear something living apart; limb from limb. 

I raised my shaking hands to my face and took in the plains of my small hands and slim fingers. These hands weren't mine, neither was this body. The small oval shaped scar that was on the middle of my index finger was gone and so were so many other burn marks and scars. Even the birthmark on my left hand; in between two knuckles had disappeared. I bit back a cry and manically clawed at my skin, as if to tear myself free of this stranger i was trapped in. I saw my friends bodies go rigid and Mason fists clench into fists as he fought coming to me. Terrified of the possibility i quickly lifted my shirt up slowly so my stomach was visible. I sucked in a painful gulp of air and tore my hands away from my shirt letting it fall again before i cuddled my knees to my chest as i rocked back and forth. The scar from Sam's brutality had disappeared, the skin was flawless and unmarked.

Then everything came rushing back, as if when i was on the verge of insanity all the horrifying memories of what this body did slammed into me at high speed. I could feel the flesh of the young wolf beneath my hands and under my fingernails as i tore away his skin and consumed his meat. I remember the witches welcoming me into their coven, them drilling evil thoughts into my head every hour of every day, slowly turning from wolf into demon. 

It was I who ended the boys life, with a slash from my nails to his throat, his blood had spilt across the floor and i enjoyed the sensation of killing him bought me. 

Gagging I jumped out of bed and immediately my legs gave way and i collapsed with a bang to the floor. Someone tried to help me up but i screamed nonsense at them, dragging myself to the bathroom across the hall. I could taste the flesh in my mouth and the vomit burning a way up my throat as i reached the toilet i threw up blood, liquid and black chunks of something i could barely look at. 

I felt my hair being lifted and a soothing hand draw circles on my back as i cried, collapsed against the toilet. Flushing away the remnants of whatever was within me the helper wrapped their arms around my waist and i leaned against them completely exhausted. They took me to the sinks and i quickly washed my mouth out before looking into the mirror. 

I brushed my fingertips over my reflection and gasped a little, my lips parting slightly as i did so. The girl in the mirror had darker hair then me, black waves flowed over my shoulders and almost drowned me out, my skin was dramatically a few shades lighter, as if my body was colourless like a corpse. However my eyes were mainly the reason i recoiled at the stranger who stared back at me. My eyes we no longer the amber they once were, once remained the same yet my left eye was black and made me look dangerous and like a demon. I was dressed in only a big white button up shirt that had stains near the collar. I cried out a little, all of the overpowering emotions, lights/colours, changes taking toll on my weakened state. 

I was a monster who'd murdered a boy and countless others inhumanely as a source of food and power without a flinch nor a second thought. The monster staring back at me with alien like eyes, smooth porcelain coloured skin and black waves was someone that was not me. 

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