chapter 30

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The light tapping of the rain hitting the windscreen of Mason's car thrummed into my mind in a soothing pattern, blocking out all other static from my friends thoughts and feelings. The greenery outside was hard to see due to the thick layer of fog covering the land like a blanket. As we turned off the lone road we had been travelling upon for over an hour and onto a dirt road the car jolted and the sudden movement woke me from my daze.

Blinking hard for a few seconds I stretched my legs out infront of me and turned around as i heard Derek and Sophia bickering in the backseat (as usual). When Mason had told me a few days ago that they were mates I was on the border of being utterly disbelieving and utterly understanding. I saw in the way Derek looked at Sophia when she looked away with a furrowed brow and an annoyed look on her face that he loved her, and i saw the way Sophia comforted Derek by just a touch or a smile that she would only do that for one person, her mate.

The other companion I had half begged Mason to let accompany us and half forced to come was Callon and thank god he eventually rolled his eyes and agreed to come because the incredulous glare he was giving Derek and Sophia made me double over in laughter. His dark eyes met mine in shock but then he gave me one of his smirks and winked at me.

"Did you just... laugh?" Sophia asked as her mate looked at me with his mouth wide open in disbelief.

Rolling my eyes i turned back around to look out my own window and folded my arms.

"Just because i'm mentally disturbed doesn't mean i can't laugh a little" I retorted which caused Mason to chuckle under his breath, taking his eyes off the road to give me a loving look before he turned his attention to driving.

Through the fog I could make out a large black gate and i knew we had arrived at Mason's Alpha friend's estate. As Mason slowed the car he rolled the window down and stuck his head out and spoke to a buff man wearing a suit, security most likely, and told him who we were and why we were here. God if only i knew why Mason had dragged me to this meeting it seemed like the only other person who didn't know was Callon.

The security guard spoke into a walkie talkie and after a few seconds he nodded and the gates opened. As Mason pulled up infront of the mansion like pack house I could tell there was not a lot of activity going on inside the estate. I couldn't sense many presences and the pack house almost felt like it had been abandoned or evacuated...

"Where is everyone?" I questioned Mason as i bored my eyes into the side of his head, seeing how tense his jaw muscle and posture was i could tell he was hiding something from me. "Why are we here Mason?" i continued.

"You know what my legs are... oh wow they are so cramped so i'm just going to.." Sophia rambled as she pushed Derek out of the car and followed after him, glaring at Callon to make sure he wouldn't leave, he just pretended he was checking his phone as i turned back around to look at Mason, waiting for an answer.

"Alpha Alex, one of my oldest and most trusted friends, when i had a meeting with some other Alpha's about... well you and everything i know, he wanted to meet you and ask you some questions" Mason explained his voice calming however his hands tightly gripped on the wheel.

Reaching out for his thoughts i instantly could tell he was hiding something from me and I quirked an eyebrow at him and tapped my fingers on my knee impatiently.

"So why is this pack house borderline empty" I questioned, my voice as cold as ice and i could feel Callon shift uncomfortably in his seat behind me.

"Alex is just over precautious over new people, no biggie" Mason answered giving me an innocent smile before opening his door and getting out, pressing it shut behind him.

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