Chapter 11

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Over the next 48 hours I dove in and out of unconsciousness, it was as if my soul was being pulled from my body like a tooth from the mouth, but something was keeping my soul tethered to my body.

Maybe it was my will to live.

Or the sheer fact I wanted to talk to Mason again.

Faces known and unknown visited me, some spoke to me others just came gave me some water and pills then left. I hadn't the energy to get up and explore but by the third day my whole body was tingling my head to toe like needles pricking my skin continuously

I couldn't take being like a zombie in the bed so I found some energy to move.

Sitting up I pull aside the bed covers and edged my weak legs over the edge, my feet met the cold ground and after a few paces I collapsed to the ground.

I let out a groan before trying to get up again, this time with success I was able to leave my prison.

Wandering around the unknown house made goosebumps raise on my exposed skin. I looked down to realise my body was covered in a long band tee and underwear!

Oh my god someone undressed me!!!

I felt hear race to my cheeks and still looking down I felt two hands on my shoulders.

Gasping I jumped back from the touch, my legs betraying me as I fell to the cold ground in an awkward heap.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Mason said. Looking up I see him leaning against a door frame looking t me with the expression of... Bewilderment? Confusion? Anger!?

"P...pins and needles" I tried to explain while covering myself up as much as I could.

Blushing I looked down, Mason scoffed and wrapped an arm around my waist easily picking me up from my puddle of limbs.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he placed his other arm under Neath my legs carrying me now. He strode into what I guessed was his room and laid me on his bed before he went over and grabbed some clothes from his draw.

"I... I feel helpless" I try to explain, I see his body go stiff and I felt tears pour from my eyes.

Mason turned looking at me with guilt and sympathy in his eyes and he made his way toward me. Placing the clothes beside me he raised his hand to my face and I flinched.

Why was I acting like this!?

Mason looked hurt but he ignored my reaction and placed his warm hand on my face, his thumb traced circles and wipes tears.

We stayed like that for a while, him hunched over wiping my tears that came like waves, sometimes he'd push hair behind my ears or whisper something comforting.

We didn't say much,

We didn't have to.

Soon after I'd closed my eyes I felt his hand leave my cheek and I couldn't help but pout.

I heard Mason laugh and I squinted at him.

"I have some clothes for you, you still pretty bruised up so I thought i'd..." Mason interjected looking at the pile of clothes next to me. I briefly nodded and he started with a pair of long blue pyjama pants, helping me up I leaned on him as I put one leg through one hole and repeated. They were too big around the waist so he tied a couple of knots with the waist band.

As he grabbed the shirt I grabbed it from him.

"I can do this" I demanded and he raised and eyebrow and turned around politely. I took off the band tee and gasped in pain, glancing at my stomach i cover my mouth with my hands as u saw the claw gash wounds that covered my side and stomach.

I couldn't believe I just noticed it!

Putting on the casual black tee was harder then expected as every time I lifted my arms the pain was astonishing. After a few tries I gave in and gently patted Mason on the back.

I think he thought I was done because he turned around and said "we'll looks like you aren't completely useless" before realising I was standing their in my bra holding the tee infront of me.

"Help... Please?" I whispered chucking him the shirt. He looked at my exposed chest and I blushed turning away. I heard him mumble something and gently lifted my arms up, it hurt but it wasn't as bad as when I tried to do it.

As he slid the shirt over me I felt a wave of dizziness come over me.

Stumbling I lay two hands on his chest and he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me in of balance me.

I looked up into Masons eyes and realised he was looking Into mine. I raised my hand and stroked his cheek.

We both leant in and I felt his hot breath on my fore head and I leaned on my tip toes.

Just as our lips touch my stomach ruined everything. It growled.

But it didn't stop the jolt of electricity from the kiss spread through my body.

Opening my eyes Mason was blushing and looked shocked too.

"I guess your hungry" he grumbled letting go of me. "Uh i'll go grab something to eat...".

I nodded and looked everywhere but him.


I don't know how this chapter is because I wrote it on my phone amid its terrible let me know and I'll re write it! Sorry for not updating I had a lot of things on my plate but I'll try and be active!

By the way thank you for 1k reads it means a lot since I thought no one read this book ahahah so happy. 😊

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