chapter 6

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The nest day i just hung out by the lake and drove to the high school to check its whereabouts. I had an early night and thankfully wasn't plagued by the nightmares.

The next morning i woke up to my alarm i had set on my new phone i purchased the day before the time read 6:30am and i groaned and dragged myself out of the comfort of my bed into the shower. Under the hot water all the grogginess left my body and i shaved my legs and doused myself in strawberry shower gel. I jumped out of the shower and dried off looking in the reflection of myself in the mirror. A tanned girl looked back with long brown hair and amber eyes, a flash of red reflected behind me and i turned to see Kate standing leaning lazily against the tiles of my bathroom. I turned and opened up the cabinet drawing out my pills and taking 2 of them. That would stop my hallucinations. For now...

The butterflies in my stomach fluttered around causing havoc on my nerves. I never really liked school, i mean i'm an average student and got along with everyone but i just got bored of it. I pulled on the clothes i had taken to the bathroom with me which was a pair of black leggings, my docs, a grey baggy t-shirt and threw my coat out of the bathroom and onto the bed. The pros of being a wolf, strength, accuracy, sharpened senses, speed and survival. Opening another cabinet i got my makeup bag and opted for minimal coverage. I didn't want to be branded as a cake on the first day. I put on some bb cream, mascara and eyeliner and some powder. Happy with what i looked like i brushed my long hair and curled it letting it hang loose. Pulling on the grey beanie i bought from factorie i went into the kitchen eating up some fruit before going back into the bathroom cleaning my teeth and lathering on some lip balm so the harsh winter conditions wouldn't crack them.

Ignoring my coat i grabbed my bag that just held my phone, purse some pens and a notebook i walked into the kitchen got my keys and walked out the door to my car. I ignored the nerves shaking through me like a volcano i drove to my new school or hellhole i must add in.

As i neared the hellhole i saw snow start to fall and felt sorry for the fellow teenagers who had to walk. I drove into the schools parking lot and found a spot not to far from the buildings. I turned off the ignition and took in a deep breath before grabbing my bag and exiting the car. Although of the slow snow fall some teens were still blasting their music and sitting on the hoods of their cars trying to out do the neighbouring car. I rolled my eyes as i heard catcalls sound as i passed and walked into the building titled administrator. The heat was blasting and i had to steady myself it was like a sauna in here! Wanting to stay in here for the minimal time i rushed to the desk and i old women looked up at me raising an eyebrow.

"Are you looking for a coat in lost property?" the women asked, her voice was like the sound of nails down a chalkboard, i had to cling to the desk so i wouldn't flinch.

"Um no, i'm new and i need my schedule" i state accidentally letting my tone to be sharp.


"Gemima Creed"

The women swivelled around in her chair and opened up a file cabinet searching through papers until finally grabbing one out. Swivelling back around she handed me the paper and started boring on about the school rules i nodded halfway through her speech and rushed out of the boiling room and into the comforting cool air. I stood outside and closed my eyes relaxing, the feel of snow falling onto my bare skin, melting then dripping down my arms was magical. I heard a cough and a laugh and i opened my eyes glaring. I gasped shocked to see the two boys who had been with the alpha in front of me. They were bundled up in jackets and were staring at me like i was a freak, i felt blood raise to my cheeks and i gave them before quickly walking away.

"Hey wait up newbie" I hear before the boy with the brown hair grabbed my arm and spun me around. "I'm Derek and this is Mike, don't feel upset Mike doesn't talk much" Derek said motioning to the boy standing beside him who quickly looked at the ground. 

"Um hi?" I say. "I'm Gem"

"Come with us Gem i doubt you know anyone else anyway" Mike said without waiting for my answer he pulled me away back into the car park and into the sea of music and hormonal teenagers. I didn't even bother fighting so i just let him drag me away. I felt electricity soar through me as we rounded a corner and eyes set on me. Bright blue eyes. Blue eyes that widened at the sight of me. Blue eyes that were on a beautiful face that had lips that smiled when they saw me. Mason...

I drew in a quick breath seeing him. He was sitting in the back of a Ute with a blanket covering him and a couple of over teens. He was wearing an aztec sweater and black jeans his dark hair swept to the side and with a red beanie on. 

"Gemima what a surprise, last time i saw you, you were threatening to run Macy and her clique down." Mason said chuckling at the end and his friends join in.

"I like her already" A girl with white hair said who gave a big smile to me. "Ï'm Sophia by the way. Come on up we have 20 minutes left and you look like your freezing, i have an extra coat if you need one" Sophie said motioning for me, Mike and Derek to come join. I Jumped up onto the ute and was about to settle down next to Sophia but some hands grabbed my waste and pulled me down next to them. I blushed and hit the hands off my hips pulling the blanket over myself turning at my captor. Masons eyes stared into mine and i felt his hand touch my thigh under the blanket. As if automatically i kicked my leg out accidentally kicking Derek in the shin. My new friends looked at me and Mason raising their eyebrows but went back to their conversation.

"This is our pack" Mason whispered in my ear his hot breath making me dizzy. I remembered my last moments with Liam and i flinched looking away at the snow. I felt Masons eyes on me but i ignored him. "You're very jumpy Gemima".

"You would be too if you went through what i did" I whispered back but covered my mouth with my hand, oh crap that was not meant to be said. I turned to look at Mason and he looked worried. 

"How old are you Gemima?" Mason asked.

"17 in a week or so" i reply back dryly. Why would he want to know? I mean its not that important.

"Ahh everyone here is either 16 or 17 so you'll most likely be in one of our classes" Mason said, that's why he asked. But there was an unnerving twinkle in his eyes which worried me, what else worried me what how close Mason was to me. I could smell his deodorant, i could feel his body warmth sucking me in and i could feel the chills ripple through my body as he glided his hand up and down my leg. I heard the bell drill and i let out a sigh throwing my head back and watching my hot air escape my mouth turning into mist. 

"So whats your schedule?" A girl with short brown hair asked. She had a scar from her right eyes to her chin which was glistening. I handed her the peice of paper and her and the others looked over it.

"You must be lucky because your in most of our classes well every class except for art and geography oh and i'm Kristen by the way" the girl said handing back the schedule. "You're in mine and Masons homeroom and we have the meanest teacher so we better head off now"Kristen said standing up grabbing me. I grabbed Mason and we made our way to homeroom. I felt the eyes of my peers on me and i just kept my eyes on Kristens back tightening my grip on her hand as the halls became more crowded. Subconsciously i gripped Masons hand tighter ad i felt him squeeze my hand from behind me. I felt my cheeks grow rosy for the millionth time today and i heard Mason chuckle. 


Authors Note: WOW 200+ reads already! ;) If you want me to update more you should vote and keep reading a comment will make me make the chapters longer for you all. Muchly appreciated -Krissy

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