chapter 31

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Plunging deep underwater I kick my legs out behind me, propelling me through the water like a torpedo. The cold water pricking each individual pore on my body as i swum away from my home and towards.. well towards some insight. 

Resurfacing i sucked in a deep breath of the misty morning air and rotated so i was floating on my back, my arms swaying in a star shaped figure as I relaxed, letting the water carry my weight. The zen of having pure silence in my head was euphoric and I was astonished at how still everything seemed. Peaking my eyes open I swam over to the bank of the lake and felt the crunch of the pebbles and sand beneath my feet. Despite meeting up with Callon i decided to not worry about putting clothing on and just leave earlier so I would not be suddenly ambushed by him. Not wasting a moment on drying off i sped into the greenery and found the tipped over tree, reaching underneath to grab onto my cloak, not bothering with shoes. Draping the cloak over my head i almost felt my hunger and primal instincts kick in, pushing away those feeling I decided to find a suitable place to wait for Callon.

The smell of the clean air mixed in with the scent of the forest and the animals within it made me tip my head back and stare up at the canopy of overhanging branches and greenery. The sounds of the animals flitting around in their daily routines almost bought me peace. Almost.

Slipping into memories of my days of being taught to hunt down my prey among the other demons made the serenity of the forest flicker to a haunted, empty place. The witches had told me I adapted to their lifestyle so easily, and i had easily dropped my humanity at the scent of flesh and blood. At the time I was proud, proud to be so strong amongst their ranks, proud they had chosen me to help defend and attack against the 'were-dogs' that were infiltrating our temporary home. I remember ripping one of the were dogs apart.. one of my own, so young but so... filling. My head throbbed as i tried to remember where this 'home' was. High up was something i knew, there was always a salty breeze... but i just couldn't place a finger on it. 

Shaking away the thoughts of my dark past I walked further in land and eventually stopped when I found a small clearing at the edge of a tiny pond, staring in i could see tiny little fish swim around delicately. 

A snap of a branch warned me of an oncoming person and instantly knowing it was the man that held some answers I turned to look over my shoulder and saw Callon pacing towards me in black jeans and a matching hoody, his eyes wide as he took in my appearance. As his eyes travelled up my cloaked body they finally rested upon my eyes and i saw him intake a sharp breath as he saw my blacked out eye. 

For the first time i wanted to know what someone was feeling, what they were thinking, i craved to know more about Callon as he knew so much about me. 

"You said you had answers" I said flatly as i leant against a tree trunk that stood beside the pond. 

Callon's eyes darkened before he came closer and knelt down beside the pond, pretending he was interested with what laid beyond the surface. "I know plenty of things Gemima, I know that you are not the only of your kind, i know what you went through, i know that we are one and the same. Before i heard what Alpha Alex had confirmed i had suspicions that we were alike, i could sense it. But now everything makes so much sense". He explained as he raised from his knees and advanced towards me, my mind racing I sucked in a deep breath as he grabbed my wrist and i felt the tingling explode across my skin and as i raised my eyes to meet his stare I saw the look of desire in his charcoal eyes. His other hand pulled my hood from over my head so my face and hair wasn't covered slightly. 

My heartbeat stuttered as i watched his intense stare drop down my lips before he licked his own. As Callon leaned his head in and his eyelids fluttered shut when our noses brushed slightly as i tilted my own head slightly and I leaned up and closed my own eyes. Feeling the heat of his breath dancing on my lips the butterflies in my stomach begun to double in size and beat their wings rapidly. Mason's blues eyes flashed in my memory as i felt Callon's lips begin to touch my own, slowly. 

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