chapter 13

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I woke up when  a pile of clothes was thrown at me.

"Arghhh" i groaned rolling onto my side but flinching almost instantly. The room i'd been staying in at the pack house had become mine for the past couple of days while Sophia and Mason took care of me. They both encouraged me to go back to school but i'd been worming out of it letting my injuries be my excuse but because of Sophia and the healers balms my wounds were just slightly irritating and inflamed. 

There was no way i could worm my way out of going today. "Get up or i'll drag you out of bed" Mason grumbled, appearing from behind my door. His hair was sexily tousled from being unwashed and bed head. He was still in his pajamas which consisted of track pants and a black singlet. His sculpted body was easily shown from underneath the garments. Showing him there was no way i was leaving the warm bed i snuggled into my blankets and closed my eyes. After a few seconds i felt Mason jump on the end of the bed, crawling up to me. I squeled and hid my red face under the covers but Mason just pulled the covers back and i felt his body weight relax on top of me.

My exposed skin against his barely covered skin was electrifying. It's not like i slept naked its just sleeping with lots of clothes on felt un-natural and made my skin irritated so i just chose to wear under wear and a tank top. My whole face was flushed and my breathing was become heavy as i looked into his eyes. He was looking at me for a second before putting both elbows beside my head and resting his head on my chest. 

Gasping at the sudden pressure i felt my face reach ultimate blush extremities. Relaxing i played with his hair and the back of his neck. The closeness of us was comforting and i felt truly safe which was a good break from the anxiety i've had for the past week. 

"You know what lets just stay like this all day" Mason whispered. I let out a breathy laugh but shook him off and grabbed the clothes walking to the bathroom.

"Nope you want me to go to school sorry" I yelled before closing the door of the bathroom. I heard his grumbling of cuss words and growl but i stripped down and jumped in the shower, careful to not get my bandages soaked. In record time i'd shaved, washed my hair and skin and gotten out.

Looking at the clothes Mason had chucked at me i was pleasantly surprised to see he'd gone to the effort of borrowing a pair of Sophias leggings and shoes. He had thrown a flannel hoody on the pile which i could smell was his and a makeup bag. It wasn't mine maybe someone from the pack?

I put the clothes on and went to the mirror which had been fixed during th week and put on some foundation, powder, mascara and eyeliner because i felt extra self concious with the bulky flannel on. The outfit melded together nicely to my surprise, the flannel though bulky looked good with the tights and vans. I quickly dried my hair and let the curls from the water stay and decided to keep it down. I crept out of the bathroom and ran to Masons room to find his red beanie. 

Opening the door i did a quick scan before going to the dresser and picking up the beanie sliding it on my head. Smiling happily i walked downstairs and cooked up some eggs for me and Mason while he showered. Not knowing if Sophia was here i made extra and luckily i did because she came bounding down the hall (she slept downstairs) in a cardigan and jeans that hugged her curves.

"Ooh eggs yum, good to see your looking better" She said eating her egg out of the pan and i let out a laugh. What she said was true, through the week my skin was pale, sweaty and my veins clearly visible. Although my veins were still pretty visible my skin looked better and i felt alot better!

I ate my egg and seeing the time was 8 am we grabbed our bags (Sophia gladly let me borrow a backpack and a notebook) and Sophia yelled at Mason to hurry up. Shortly after Mason bounded down the stairs, chomped down the extra eggs and toast i made him and grabbed his car keys and we jumped in the car.

The car trip was uneventful but when we got to school we made our way through the large crowds of kids trying to stay warm and act cool before we found the ute and climbed in the back with the rest of our friends. Feeling unsure if everyones name i sat between Mason and Sophia and listened to the conversations.

"You feeling any better?" Kristin asked from the opposite side of the ute. All eyes fell on me and i realised everyone knew of what happened. Blushing i nodded and Mason snaked an arm around my shoulder comforting me. 

"Well looky here Ms new girl cosying up with my man" A high pitched shrill stated, rolling my eyes i looked down from the ute to Macy who stood wearing a ridiculous pink fur coat, flashy jeans and jewelerry and her hands placed firmly on her hips.

"Leave me alone Macy i'm not in the mood for your opinion right now" I blunctly stated and flipped her off. I heard her squel and my friends laugh or clap lightly.

"I know someone who really doesn't like you and would enjoy hearing you scream in pain bitch so leave Mason alone or i'll send them a message on some things about you, like your address, car etc. I could make your life a living hell, don't mess with me!" She yelled before turning and strutting away. I was frozen in space but i felt Mason hot glare on my face and i tried to smile up at him and my friends before i stood up and excused myself.

Jumping from the ute i jogged to the bathrooms while the snow started to fall heavier. My breathing intensified and i saw Kate drift along beside me. I heard Mason yelling from behind me but i went into the disabled bathroom for extra privacy, locking the door and collapsed against it. I felt my body shake as Macys voice rung in my ears. I opened my bag and found the pills i stuffed in their before and took 2, downing them with tap water. Still hearing Macy's voice i covered my ears and leant against the door ignoring Masons banging on it.

The dong of the bell went off and i looked in the mirror, wiped some smudged makeup off and got up grabbed my bag and unlocked the door. Mason nearly fell through, he placed to hands on my shpulders and his angry glare made me shudder.

"What the hell just happened" Mason demanded searching my eyes for an answer. I shrugged.

"What Macy said scared me and i thought i was going to have a breakdown so saved myself some embarrassment and went to the bathroom downed some pills and relaxed. You don't need to be so worked up about nothing" I explained, lying easily. "Why do you care so much anyway?" I asked now the one wanting answers. He ran a hand through his hair and started to say something but chose to ignore what i said.

"Come on lets go to homeroom" Mason mumbled taking my hand and leading the way.

I heard whispers follow me and i avoided all eyes contact, today was going to suck i could feel it.

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