chapter 17

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Familiar memories and scenes played as Kate dove deeper and deeper within my mind. Things i had forgotten either by choice or by age re-awoke in my mind and i wished i had more time to sit and watch my memories play out but Kate was soaring through my mind at max speed making everything a blur with me latched to her wrist. My body was flailing like a rag doll and i could feel we were getting closer to the destination needed. I knew this because the closer we got the more i felt my body was being pulled through thick water -----> mud. It was as if my mind was trying to keep us away from the memories that held the truth. I glanced in front of me at Kate and i could tell she was struggling through this swamp like vein of memories. 

We stopped abruptly and i smacked against her back, we were floating in my memories and they were in black and white and playing at a snails pace and so blurry i could not make out anything.

Kate turned and the desperation in her eyes didn't go un-noticed, her hair like wild flames was curly and framed her face perfectly. She took both my hands and looked down at me.

"I can't go any further" Kate whispered."Who ever is doing this has made it that only you could unlock these memories i cannot make the rest of the way with you i'm so sorry. I know you'll be able to do this, but remember trust no one what lies beyond i cannot say but it won't be easy. Your mind may see you as an intruder and try and take you out but you'll know what to do". Kate pulled out a dagger from her boot and handed it to me, i tucked it in my belt and looked at her not knowing what to say so i weakly nodded. 

"Hopefully you won't need to use that but just in case" She assured me smiling grimly, looking towards where my dagger was hidden. 

"Where do i go?" I ask my voice breaking in fear of the unknown and the memories i could possibly find.

"Follow the river". Kate said mysteriously, before i could ask more Kate let go of my hands and i begun to fall leaving Kate hover above me. She watched me go grimly before disappearing.

I wrapped my arms around myself as i fell. I was not scared anymore, i was pissed off. Someone had let me believe Mason was my mate and we were going to be together forever. That i had found a pack and a group of friends who accepted me even after my terrible past. I whimpered and my body rippled when the pain of my loss washed over me. The fall felt like it last for hours but i knew it was mere seconds. I saw memories blur past but one figure was falling above me. It was as if they weren't really there, they didn't look solid.


His eyes were wide and the blue of his eyes were so bright i had to look away from them. He looked terrified. He screamed words at me but it was as if time had stolen them away so i stared at him blankly as we both fell into the pit of the darkest sea in my mind. Where all the horrors hid. All my guilt's and crimes were stored away here and i knew some things i must already face. Mason caught my attention and my heart skipped a beat, his clothes weren't the ones he was wearing before but disheveled top and a dirty pair of sneakers and joggers. Bags were under his eyes as if he hadn't slept well in weeks, he looked sick. This Mason did not look like the imposter Mason but the real scared Mason.

Oh. But how was he here? 

My heart pounded in my ears and i saw tree's come in view just as my body got plunged into black swamp water.The freezing water filled my mouth and i choked underwater. I tried to open my eyes but i couldn't see anything either way. I kicked my legs underneath me to try and propel myself to the surface but something was holding me in place. I thrashed my arms around until i felt a wrist wrap around mine and pull me up. Whatever was holding me down let go and i rushed to the surface in taking a huge gulp of air when i was at the top. Before i could get a grip on my situation i felt arms wrap around my body and i got pulled against something solid. And familiar. I let out a moan and wrapped my arms and Mason trying to get as close to him as i could. We both tread water as we stayed in this position for a small amount of time. His hands played with my wet hair and mine explored his shoulder muscles and back. 

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