chapter 5

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The other two boys gave me an awkward half wave before shifting and running away after their alpha. I let out the breath i was holding in giving my burning lungs a break. What just happened. The alpha just offered me up a place in their pack. Me? A ROGUE! Rogue's were normally killed if they were found on owned land. I calmed myself by leaning on a tree branch and watched the suns rays shimmer off the lakes surface. I was surprised it hadn't iced over yet. Wolves do get cold but can stand temperatures a lot better then humans. My body guided me to the lakes edges and i stripped out of my clothing so i was just in a bra and underwear. Not thinking i ran into the chilly water not stopping so i wouldn't chicken out. The water welcomed me and calmed my shaky thoughts. When i was about waist deep i dived under, the cold water causing a shiver to ripple through my body. After a few minutes of floating on the lakes surfaced i swam back to shore grabbing my clothes not bothering to put them on. I ran back to my house to explore.

My new house wasn't as big as my neighbors but it was cozy. It was only one storey and had a tony attic room. It was modern and had glass panels and a deck facing the deck. I chose to move my stuff into the largest room which was big enough to fit a queen sized bed, a small bed side table, a vanity table and a wardrobe. I was curious as to why the owners left so many furniture but decided against going to deep into thought about it. I packed my clothes into the wardrobe and out the photo frame of my parents on my vanity and the photo of myself and my friends on my bed side table, feeling comfort in their unrealistic presence. 

What i was annoyed about was that the sales lady booked me into the towns high school. I told her not to worry but she went off on a rant about how education was the gateway to many opportunities. I walked into the kitchen and feeling how empty it was i decided to go shopping as it was only reaching midday. Grabbing my keys i was about to walk out the door but remembered to get clothed.

In my car i turned on the radio and tuned it to the towns college station happy with the indie music streaming into my car. I drove out of my driveway and followed the various signs which led me to a medium sized shopping centre. Parking and grabbing my purse i made my way into the shop. I saw a grocery store and grabbed a trolley and packed it with some fruit, vegetables, meat, bread, milk and some snack food. I paid for the food and grabbed the bags and a factorie clothing store caught my eye and my body drifted over to it. Well i do need some new clothes i thought.  I looked through the store walking through the aisles i felt the intense hot glare of someone from behind me so i turned and saw the alpha. I stiffened and the boy smiled.

"I never caught your name" the alpha said grinning down at me. I felt so puny, i was averaged sized but against the alpha i felt like a midget! 

"Gemima"I reply giving the alpha my full name in respect. I mean i'm speaking to the alpha!

"Well Gemima i'm Mason and your Alpha. I'm not to strict so you may call me which ever you please" he replied.

"Do you shop here often" I ask noticing Mason was now wearing a red baggy singlet over his cargo pants. I must admit i preferred the earlier outfit. Feeling more comfortable i continued looking through the clothes and he followed keeping up the conversation. We made small talk and when i purchased a pair of sweat pants, a grey beanie, two pairs of leggings and some sweaters my hands were full with bags.

"Here let me get some of those for you" Mason orders not waiting for my response grabbing more then half of the bags out of my hands. Before i could protest he had already walked out of the shop. I followed finding it difficult to match his pace.

"So Ms Gemima i must ask, why were you a rogue" he asked when we reached my car. Dread and sadness filled my body and my eyes watered. I opened the trunk of my car and put the bags in, Mason helping.

"Um.. i..i was uh banished because of what i did and uh.." I started my lip quivering and my nerves sky rocketing scared to admit the truth to Mason. But before i could finish some girls spotted Mason and ran over to us causing cars to slam on their breaks so they wouldn't get ran over in the process.

"Mase honey!" "MASOOOON" "Cutie!" The girls shrieked and my wolf senses could smell their perfumes from far away. I coughed while raising an eyebrow at Mason and he shrugged as the girls surrounded him shoving me further away. 

"Who are you" a blonde girl with long blonde curls framing her face spat. Her makeup resembled a clowns and i held in a laugh. "And what are you doing with my Mason".

"She's nothing Macy leave her alone."Mason said. She's nothing... wow. My feelings were hurt so i slammed the trunk shut nearly catching Macy's hand in the process and she yelped jumping onto Mason. I rolled my eyes and got into my car turning the ignition on and about to back up but i saw that Macy and the girls were in my way. 

Opening my window i poked my head out and yelled at the bimbos "Move or i'll run you down". The girls gasped and Mason let out a deep chuckle, i looked at him and he ran a hand through his dark hair winking at me. The girls obeyed and moved out of the way and i backed of the way and drove home. I sent a silent prayer to the heavens Please god don't let those girls be in my classes!


Authors Note: Wow! 100+ reads?! This is crazy thankyou so much!! <3 I had a lot of fun writing this chapter so please have fun reading it! Please continue to read/vote/and please add to library so you can get updated. It would cause me great joy if you commented or followed me! xo

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