chapter 35

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Gemima's POV.

Would tonight be the night i was to watch all my friends die? Would I be the cause to a massacre or would i be the savior? Would i be able to willingly kill someone, to use my seductive appearance and tone to pry information out of the Alpha's?

I tapped my nails nervously on my thigh as I tried to slow down my panicked breathing. As the driver took a sharp right down the winding road deeper into the woods I decided the silent car ride was only making my nerves jump all over the place.

"So... what's your name?" I asked hesitantly. The driver looked at me quickly through the rear view mirror, dark sunglasses covering the face making it hard to tell whether the driver was a man or a woman. I couldn't read this person either, they had no scent, aura.. or any personal trademark to them.

The driver then halted to a sudden stop making me crash back into the leather seat with a puff. As i clenched my eyes shut to stop my dizziness from the abrupt pause when i reopened them again we had begun driving again and a black envelope was in my lap. The name 'Cordelia' was printed in slanted writing on the front, quickly opening the envelope I pulled out an invitation reading:

To Miss Cordelia Burlin

It is with extreme pleasure that the Crescent Moon Pack invite you to the 18th birthday celebration of future Alpha Mason Allowick. At this party Mason will have the title of Alpha passed down to him in the midst of many different packs.

The letter then went on to explain the theme and the whereabouts of the venue. So that was my character huh... Cordelia Burlin, was she a real person that i was pretending to be or some made up lady that was formed just for tonight. How on earth Cordelia got an invitation to the event was a mystery in among itself. What was my story? How old was I meant to be? Was i even single? My head pounded as I thought of more and more questions i wouldn't be able to answer.

"We have arrived Miss Burlin, please take the invitation with you and leave the vehicle immediately" the driver said in a deep, husky like voice. Nodding to myself and praying that i could pull this off I opened the door to the car and stepped out of the car, the bright lights making me flinch ever so slightly as my eyes adjusted. Quickly shutting the door behind me the car sped off leaving me alone in front of a massive mansion like venue. The building was like a beacon of white light in the darkness of the woods and sounds of music and chatter could be heard from where i was outside.

Taking in a deep breath again i stepped onto the path leading towards the house and begun the short walk up to the two large white doors which were being supervised by two buff looking men. Twins it seemed, their matching off set yellow eyes narrowed as they saw me and i watched uncomfortably as their eyes raked up and down my body. Gemima would've snapped at them but being Cordelia and loving the attention i placed a hand on my hip and did a slight flip of my hair as i handed my invitation to the smaller of the 2 men and the one holding a clipboard that had numerous pages clipped onto it.

"Cordelia Burlin.. never heard of you. What pack are you from?" The man said, his voice so deep it boomed. Oh crap! As a million possible answers raced through my mind I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Swallowing back my panic I got my head in check and took a step towards the man questioning me. Batting my dark lashes from under my mask I pouted my lips slightly before speaking.

"I'm a friend of the Luna's" I stated, as i looked at the man from under my lashes, sensing the change in his emotions as his desire became apparent i raised an eyebrow pretending to be slightly shocked. "Are you really not going to let me in?" I asked, making my voice rise.

The taller man placed a hand on his brother's shoulder before stepping aside leaving the two doors, which had opened up at some point, giving me access to the party within. As soon as i stepped inside the building the doors shut behind me causing my heart beat to race because of how on edge i was. my fingers shook slightly as i walked down the dimly lit hallway, the louder the music became the closer i was to everybody.

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