chapter 4

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A bell tinkled as i entered the cottage rental building making workers look up from their desks. They all shared a look between each other before they scrambled up and all made their way to me. The winner was a lady who looked in her early 20's she grabbed my elbow gave a smirk to her co-workers and walked me over to her desk. 

"Slow day" I ask letting out a half hearted laugh.

"Oh yes, more like slow year!" She replied enthusiastically. "How can i help you?"

"I'm looking for a house" 

"Aren't you a bit too young to own a house?"

"Yes but i have just moved here and my family are moving in about a months time" i lied.

"Oh okay! So...." she showed me all the house but one in particular caught my eye. It was a one storey cottage by a lake and tree's. It was modern and cute.

"Can i take that one" I say pointing at the picture.

"Ah this cottage has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 car spaces and the beautiful view of course. When would you like me to book you a tour?" She asks smiling.

"No tour needed can i buy it" I say and the sales ladies jaw dropped but she quickly composed herself.

"Are you sure?" 


"Well ok" She got out a lot of papers and forms and then wrote on a sheet of paper the address and numbers i needed to know before handing me the key. I smiled as i left and headed to my car. 

At the cottage i parked my car grabbed all my bags and key and went to the front door and unlocked it. The house smelt like the lake and pine tree's, it calmed me. My wolf was itching to get out so before exploring i went outside and shifted making my way through the forest. The bright green and white tree's blurred past me. Thankgod for my thick brown hair covering my wolf body it kept me warm all winter. Suddenly i felt a sharp impact on my left side and went slamming into a tree. I growled and turned to see 3 wolves, one grey, one black and one brown. The black wolf came towards me and i saw its blue eyes shine in menace. 

Oh crap! I'm on another wolves land! AND I AM A ROGUE NOW! The black wolf shifted and so did i, i backed against the tree as a boy around my age came towards me. He was only wearing a pear of cargo pants that hung loosely on his lips showing off his v lines. His chest was toned and he had a 6 pack. His skin was slightly tan and his blue eyes complimented his black hair. This boy was gorgeous! i felt my cheeks go crimson as he looked down on me.

"What are you doing on my land rogue?" The boy asked in a forward tone. I whimpered and realized he must be the Alpha.

"I..i'm so sorry i only moved here today, i had no idea this land belonged to a pack already." I whisper barely loud enough for them to here.

"What was your pack and why are you not with them now?" The boy asked but in a softer tone. I kept my eyes at my feet.

"I was in the Blue Moon Pack and i was banished.." I say and i lifted my head and looked the boy in the eyes.

The boy gasped and stepped back but our connection continued, his eyes widened and a wave of shock flooded them.

"Alpha are you ok" one of the other boys had shifted.

"Leave her be, you will be allowed to stay but only if you join our pack" the alpha said glancing anywhere but me. My mouth formed an o. The alpha was letting me in his pack! ME! A ROGUE! WHAT?! 

"O...ok, what's our pack name?" I ask trying to compose myself.

The Alpha looked at me with a smirk on his lips "We are the Cresent Moon Pack" and with that he shifted and ran off.



I want to put up another chapter but i have work :( vote/comment etc :)

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