Chapter 9

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"The boy I was dating back in my old town was so sweet and caring, before we stared to date he would always talk to me and begged me to give him a chance. At one point he bought my a bouquet of sunflowers and he asked my out of a date, I said yes. That night I discovered how intelligent and wonderful he was, he introduced me to his dad a few dates later, his mum left a long time ago you see so I expected the dad to be odd. I was right, his dad was very intrigued with me but I took his interest as a good way of getting to know his sons girlfriend. I was so so wrong.
Liam and I became serious after a few months... We never did it but we were so close, but it knew he wasn't my mate. When he kissed me yes it felt good but no tingles or fireworks. One day I accidentally shifted in front of him and I told him what I was, he was very accepting and said he always wanted a puppy, I got mad at that comment but I chose to ignore it you see.
After nearly a year Liam stressed how important it was for me to go to his house at a strict time of 1:00pm in the afternoon. I thought that was unusual but I thought he had a surprise planned so I went along with it. He asked me to have sex with him and when he asked if I loved him I hesitated. I don't know why I did, maybe it was the intense way he looked at me when he asked or the desperation that flowed in his voice but I hesitated and he got very mad.
He admitted everything.
How is dad found out about my parents being like us and how my parents and his dad grew up together and hated each other and that since they were supposed monsters how he had the right to kill them. But his dad realised how respected my parents were in our community so he turned his focus on me, killing me would bring down my parents.
The day I went to Liam's was the day his dad would invade my pack house in search for me and others like me, when the hunters got their they tricked my best friend Kate that they had me at gunpoint and to come outside so they could get her at gunpoint Adams get the others to swarm in and kill anyone in the house but when Kate realised I was not outside she went to kill the hunters but they shot her down but not before she killed Liam's dad and some other hunters.

When u finally got to the pack house my former Alpha yelled at me telling me how it was my fault and Kate's death was all on me. The Alpha was Kate's mate and so he banished me for revenge of kinds....
So I ran and I ended up here." I concluded scrunching the sheets in my hand and quivering from shock as if I relived evrything. I looked at Kristin who gave me a small smile.

"It's not your fault Gemima, you have to stop battling your demons, when my mate rejected me I thought of all the bad things about myself and thought how disgusting I must be for my own mate, the person who's meant to love you more than anything else to just spit at me in disgust and claw at my face while rejecting me. But I learned it was not me who was at loss, it was hers." Kristin said her eyes clouding over "She had not yet accepted her sexuality so she was hurried when a myself, a girl was her mate."

"Did you know you were into women?" I asked curiously.

"No, no but I accepted my mate because if this was the person that fate decided was my mate then I needed to explore outside of the closet I didn't know I occupied." Kristin said laughing.

"God your starting to sound like Ellen, Kristin. Time to get up Gemima I'm allowed to take you home" Mason said from the doorway. His lean body draped across the door frame In a lazy fashion his beany reminded me my clothes u left in the lockers.

"There safely in your Car no need to worry I was disappointed when I saw no lingerie but alas there is always tomorrow. Kristin thank you for taking care of her in my absence get Derek to drive my car to our pack house after school as I won't be returning here today." Mason demanded in a leaders voice.

Kristin stood bowed her head and whispered yes alpha before leaving Mason and I alone together.
Without saying anything he lifted my sheets of my bed which revealed my exposed legs and chest as my leggings and shirt had o betaken off so the nurse could do a check for scratches. I squealed and he turned around and muttered an apology before throwing me my shirt and pants that he found on a bench over his shoulder. I put my leggings on but when I tried to lift my arms my muscles ached in protest and I gasped in pain and I stumbled putting a hand on the bed post for support.

Mason turned and blushed after seeing my bare chest only covered by a black bra. He grabbed the shirt out of my hands despite my protests and he draped it over my head trying to ovoid hurting me any more, putting my arms through the holes was a different story it was painful but thanks to Mason quick.
He then supported me to my car and out me in my passenger seat.

"Where do you live?" Mason asked starting the engine and pulling out of the parking spot towards the exit. When I explained my home surrounding he nodded and we drove silently to my house, I couldn't help but not id the slight rosiness of his cheeks and I laughed a bit but apart from a smirk and a side glance he did nothing.

After I arrived and he helped carry my bags inside we sat on the little couch the previous owners left behind and drunk coffee I made.

"I heard what you said to Kristin, she mind linked me.. I know you may be mad but I'm your Alpha and she did the right thing linking me." Mason said studying me with his eyes but I just nodded. "Anyways I'm off I have to figure out who pushed you I suggest not shifting to wolf for a minimum of 4 hours just as your shoulder heals, I don't want you to get hurt anymore then you are Gem." He said laughing.

"Goodbye Mason"

"Good running today, rest." He said before he got up and left leaving me feeling strangely dissatisfied with his departure.

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