chapter 38

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Down in the underground passageways, Kristin led our group through the old cave like tunnels, insisting her parents had talked and shown her through the caves when she was little. Close behind her was Derek, Sophia and Mike who now had the energy to walk on his own. 

Kate's hand was interwoven with mine, us both needing the connection in our current situation. Nobody trusted me, at all. When i searched their minds all i found was animosity towards me, when i specifically reached out to Mason's all i saw was the replying mental image me slitting the witch's throat that had looked like me. I saw from his point of view the blood that splattered off of my nails and onto his cheek as my arm followed through the motion, i saw my crazy (now purple hued) eyes, widened and crazed looking as i let the witch's body drop to the ground to choke on her own blood. I could feel his heartbreak, every single crack, as if he was watching her body fall in slow motion. I felt the confusion as he didn't feel the mate bond disappear, and i felt the rage as his eye's left the witches and fell upon her murderer. 


Shaking my head free of his thoughts I clutched my best friend's hand tighter. Looking up at her face i could see the thin veil of sorrow on her features as she moaned her mate's death. No matter if he was a psychopath who used her death as his own mission for revenge and who assaulted her best friend, she blamed herself for his mental break. For not going back to him when she came back, for letting the witches use her image to manipulate him to do things, horrible things, not only to me but to innocent people.

Being a decent amount away from the hall none of us could no longer hear the sounds of the battle going on above ground, but occasionally we would hear the demons screaming out, it would make us all walk a lot faster.

"The exits just up ahead, shouldn't be more than 5 more minutes" Kristin said from the front. Mumbles of okays were heard and all went back to silence. That was before my senses latched onto hearing the sound of a heart beating in overdrive, the sound becoming nearer as the owner came closer. 

"Someone's coming" I whispered, my words making everyone immediately halt. In the dark even with their ability to see in the dark because of their wolves, since witches lived in the darkness i could see the figure running at us from the way of the exit before anyone else. 

"What the hell" I muttered as i moved past my friends, towards the runner. The torch light became visible as the runner came closer and i heard her deep breathing and even smelled her intoxicating perfume from meters away. Macy usually liked to keep her appearance, crisp, overdone and perfect, never in a million years would i imagine a fear stricken Macy sprinting towards me, with a singlet and sweatpants on, her hair messily in a ponytail with blood dried around her nose and temple, bruises marring her usual flawless looking skin. 

"Macy?" I yelled out slightly to grab the girls attention, when hearing her name her bloodshot blue eyes met mine in the dark and she shone her torch on me, tears spilled from her eyes as she ran to me and due to the darkness tripped and landed on her ass in front of the group. Any other day seeing Macy trip up would cause an eruption of laughter but seeing the state she was in and because of what i'd just escape, there was no time to laugh.

Derek grabbed the fallen torch off of the ground and shined it down on the blonde girl. Kneeling before me i watched as the girl visibly shook, either from adrenaline being cold or being terrified. Her face was even worse up close, her lip split in the middle and spilling little droplets of blood on her stained singlet, and her eyes under shadowed by bags that competed with my own.

"T..they told me you would look different, i'm so sorry, oh god what have i done" Macy whispered as she wrapped her arms around herself and cried.

"What did you do Macy?" Mason said as he came up from behind me, upon seeing Mason, the girl shook her head and tried to turn away.

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