Outtake #1- After the wedding

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(Bouquet toss)

Dipper's POV:

After dancing and sharing our cake, we have our guests line up horizontally, about five feet away.

I decided to do a bouquet toss like in the movies.

I of course, made sure to take one flower of each color to keep.

I had Bill's help to stand me strategically, my back facing them.

"So I just throw it randomly in their direction?" I ask.


He smiles at me and gives me a thumbs up.

"Kk." I reply.

I breath in, hold it with both hands, and toss it backwards.

I hear a bit of a scuffle and I turn around.

And I see Will standing there with a bright red blush, holding the bouquet.

I smile.

I see him share a look with Mason, who also blushes.

"Congratulations you two." I say.

Bill and I grin at them, causing their blushes to intensify.

Paz smiles as well and goes to stand where everyone can see her.

"Well that about wraps it up folks. Now it's time for the lovebirds to go on their honeymoon!"

We both blush.

The guests start coming up to us one by one, except for Will and Mason, who are hand-in-hand, to give us congratulations once more.

Lazy Susan is first.

"Congratulations you two. Be sure to come by the diner sometime soon, okay?" Her lazy eye shuts, as she's smiling.

I smile.

"We will."

Wendy is next.

"Hey Dip, hey cipher. Congratulations!"

We both smile and say thank you at the same time.

"Sorry I was so quick to judge dude." She says, looking at Bill.

"It's fine." He replies, with a small smile.

She smiles back and walks over to where Susan is.

Then Shmebulock.

"Shmebulock! Shmebulock, Shmebulock, Shmebulock!"

(He said "Congratulations! Thank you for inviting me, I hope you have a wonderful honeymoon, and be sure to come to my wedding sometime soon.")

Bill smiles.

"Thank you Schmeb's! And you're very welcome! Of course we will, you're our friend!"

Schmebulock smiles and then walks away.

Then Paz.

"Just want to say I'm really proud for both of you and I hope you have a fun time on your honeymoon, lovebirds." She winks.

We blush.

"By the way, I had a table set up over there. Everyone gave you two gifts."

I smile.

"Aww! y'all didn't have to get us gifts." I say to everyone.

They all reply, "We know. Have fun." In their own ways.

"Use my gift wisely, yeah?" She winks again, then walks away.

I blush after seeing what she meant in my head, as she'd thought about it as she was talking.

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