The Evil She Wrought

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-A little over a week later-
Dipper's POV:

I wake up with a yawn.

I slowly rub the sleep from my eyes and sit up.

I walk to the bathroom and turn on the water and wait for it to warm up while I go pick out some clothes.

When I come back, I shut and lock the door out of habit and step into the water after removing my pj's.

I take about a twenty minute shower, feeling refreshed afterwards. Then I towel off and dress.

I walk back into my bedroom only for Bill to appear in front of me suddenly.

That was a manly shriek I swear!

He jumps too and almost drops the tray that he's carrying.

Then he pouts.

"How can I give you breakfast in bed if you're not in bed?" He says. (A/N anyone get the reference? It's from one of my new favorite shows 😉)

I peck him on the lips.

"You still can."

I go sit against my headboard.

His eyes light up and he brings me the tray.

He sits beside me carefully so nothing will tip over.

I see some cut up french toast in the shape of a heart on top of a pile of waffles with some cinnamon and syrup. There's also a box of chocolates and a cup of water with heart shaped ice cubes and a straw.

I carefully lean over and kiss him.

He kisses back.

I pull back after a few moments.

"You're very sweet you know." I say.

He smiles,"Yeah I know."

I roll my eyes and start to eat my breakfast.

'Your valentines gift is in my attic, hidden in the far right corner on the beam closest to the ceiling.' I think to myself, so he can hear it.

He let's out a girlish squeal and teleports up to the attic.

'It wasn't girlish.' He mentally protests to me.

'Mhm. Suuuuuurrreeeee it wasn't." I remark sarcastically.

I just took my last bite and drank some of the water, when Bill teleports back.

He starts running at me so I sit the tray on my nightstand.

He tackles me and peppers my face with kisses, until I'm sure my face is tomato red.

"Thank you!" He exclaims.

I nod with a smile.

I got him a teddy bear that I named Umino. He's Illumi's brother and he looks like his brother Will probably would in Teddy bear form.

The note that I attached read:

'Happy Valentines Day my Illuminacho~💛💙💛💙,
This Bear's name is Umino. I found him when I stopped at a gift shop last time I went to a book signing, and he looks like a teddy bear version of your brother and he's so you can hug him, when you miss Will 😊, because I know you've been missing him a lot lately. He's also to remind you that we're going to find him. I have a few theories based upon the old Journals from the last time I was here actually. So if you're ready, I'd like to try and help you find him 😊. 💙 your Pinetree~<3'

I'm actually thinking about starting my own journal because of how many more things that I know exist than are in the other original journals.

But anyways, I also gave him a box of his favorite chocolates and seeds for red roses that he can help me plant, which are also his favorite flowers.

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