"Mabel... what have you done?!"

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Warning: Violence ahead. I marked where if you don't want to read it.

Dipper's POV:

I slowly blink open my eyes as a bright light floods the room.

I sit up and rub at my eyes and wait for them to focus.

As I wake up more, raised voices from outside become more apparent.

Meanwhile Bill turns over in his sleep and lays his head on my leg.


I brush some hair out of his face and tuck it behind his ear.

He smiles in his sleep, causing me to smile in return.

I get distracted for a moment, but then I remember the raised voices.

I don't want to but, I slowly reach for a pillow and transfer his head onto it instead.

I slowly get up trying not to wake him and grab a shirt on my way out of the room.

I rub at my eyes again as I head to the front door.

I peek through the peephole and my eyes go wide.

There are people from all over Gravity Falls gathered on the front lawn, holding pitchforks and torches, shouting something angrily.

I listen to it for a second.

"Shit." I whisper to myself.

How did they find out?

I walk to the landline, our backup house phone, because I don't want to risk waking Bill up trying to get mine.

I dial Pacifica's number and hope she picks up.

Thankfully she does after I call her a few times.

"Hey Dip!" She says in a cheerful tone.

"Hey Paz...." I reply.

"So what's upppppppp?" She asks.

I sigh.

"Paz... I don't know how they found out.... but most of Gravity Falls is outside our home... rioting with pitchforks and torches.........."


"Yeah..... They're shouting about Bill..... Saying that they're going to burn the house down if Bill doesn't come outside.........."

"Well fuck." Paz curses.

Then she continues, "I'll be there in a few Dip!"

I hear keys rattling and rushed footsteps from the other end and a whispered conversation, then a door closing.

Then she hangs up.

I put up the phone and walk to the couch, sinking into it, burying my face in my hands.

A few minutes later, I hear knocking at the back door.

I wave a hand for the door to open and go back to holding my face in my hands.

Paz walks in and shuts the door behind her quietly.

I hear her footsteps approaching but I just sit there.

She sits down next to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"This has to be Pyronica's doing...." I say quietly, ending in a sigh.

"I thought you guys made sure she couldn't come back...?" Paz says.

"We did Paz trust me.... "

"So how?"

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