Outtake #2- Offscreen Moments

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(A/N: Hey you guys. Somehow this got unpublished. I published this a few months ago. Reposting so you can still read it. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.



Dipper's POV:

I look over at the demon, arranging flowers in my garden. It's been a few days since I decided to trust him. Something in the sadness made me trust him I just hope I'm not making a mistake. That deep pain is something we can relate on.

"Pinetree did you want me to hang up the orchids or?" He says, smiling at me.

He snaps me out of my thoughts.

I smile back.

His smile is so welcoming I can't help it.

His hair sparkles in the sun and his eyes look like two pretty gems in the daylight.

I shake my head.

Didn't he ask me something?


"Hm?" I say in response.

He smiles again, drawing me back into those eyes, before I have to tear myself away.

"Want the orchids hung up or planted?" He repeats.

His eyes have no business being prettier than the sun. He also has a flyaway right now, I notice. I wonder if he does. Hmm maybe I can get Paz used to the idea of him, then we can go have fun at the cafe. I wonder if he'd do karaoke? His voice is probably pretty too.

He has no business acting like toast. Maybe I could just casually snatch up his hand in the middle of a conversation. It was soft. I wonder what I did with that blanket we fell asleep on that smells like morning dew, pine, and him. Didn't I put it on the back of the couch? Dang it now I want the blanket.

Bill is good with plants like his brother, both have a natural affinity to nature, Will's magic just responds that way.

He has no business looking like a soft teddy bear with the flowers. He's a butt. I pout.

I zone back in except he moved and is waving his hand in front of my face.

What if I just bit it?

Geez Dipper you need to calm down.

I blink up at him.


"Orchids go hang or orchids go ground?"

I laugh.

"How about you plant one, and hang up the other one?"

He smiles.

"Mmk sounds like a plan."

He visibly pauses and then asks, "So what's got you zoning out?"

I feel a blush creep up my face.

Forgot he doesn't read my mind without my permission anymore. Forgot he could read minds. He looks so human.

"Uhh nothing."

He smiles, then shrugs at my answer.


I smile back.

At least he isn't pushy.

Bill's POV:

It's been a few days since Pinetree let me into his life. I'm still in awe that someone so hurt by their past is so forgiving. He has a good heart. That's what drew me to him both times I met him. I deeply regret how I treated him and his family when I lost my brother. His kindness reminds me a little bit of Will, that's what intrigued me at first.

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