Like You

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-A Few Hours Later-

Dipper's POV:

"Pinetree! Please wake up!" His voice says.


I hear a gasp of relief and Bill lifts me up slightly, laughing.

"Baby open your eyes." He says.

I try to but they feel too heavy.

I keep trying though, until whatever glue that stuck my eyelids together goes away.

I blink them open and almost close them again because everything is so bright, but my eyes adjust faster than normal.

'What happened?' I wonder to myself.

Bill says," You don't remember?!"

I look up and start to shake my head, when all the memories flood back when I meet his eyes.

I remember the she-demon showing up.. the duel... and feeling like I was going to die...then Bill saving me......

I look back up, not having realized that I looked away.

"Bill, why's everything so bright?"

He tenses up and tears appear in his eyes.

"P- please...  Please don't hate me pinetree....."

I reply, "Never!"

A few tears spill over and I lean closer and kiss him.

He kisses back and his shoulders start shaking.

I pull back when he starts to cry, and push his head to my chest.

He wraps me into a tight hug, sobbing into my shirt.

I hold him for minutes? Hours? Well however long because he cries for a very long time.

He finally stops and hiccups a bit, still holding tightly to me, shaking.

"What did you do Bill? I promise I won't hate you. Just tell me." I say.

He doesn't reply for a while and I start to think that maybe he fell asleep, when he moves back and looks up at me with red rimmed eyes.

I lace our fingers together.

"Tell me please."

He looks away, looking like he could cry some more.


He starts to speak," P-pinetree.... Mason... I just convinced you to spend the rest of your life with me and that......that evil bitch tried to take it all away......"

A bit of hysterical laughter bubbles out of his lips, before he puts a hand over his mouth to stop it.

He continues after a moment.

"I.... Oh my god p-please don't hate me..."

A few more tears roll down his cheeks.

I gently pull his face into my hands and wipe away his tears.

Even kiss him for good measure.

"Bill whatever you did, I'm alive. I'm here with you. I couldn't be happier."

He chuckles darkly.

"You're so going to hate me...." He says.

I sigh.

"Bill look at me."

He looks back up at me.

"Tell me." I say in a demanding tone, since that seems to be the only way he'll listen to me.

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