Baby... I'm right here....

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Last Chapter:
'A small part of myself tries to tell me mate is gone, but then I shut off that part.

I growl at a gnome and it scurries away.

I nip at the spot I bit twice before, slightly whining.

-Time Skip-

I keep vigil for hours and slowly fall asleep curled up by mate.


I cough a few times, waking up.

It looks like I'm in the middle of the woods.

I try to sit up but pain causes me to fall back down the few centimeters, that I managed to rise.

I lay there listening to the sounds of nature, trying to remember something important that's on the tip of my tongue.

After a while I come up with nothing, and decide that it didn't matter.

So, who am I and why am I here?'


Dipper's POV:

I wake up and jolt into a sitting position when I notice mate is gone.

My mind starts to panic as I look around and don't see him anywhere.



I spring up to my feet and scan the area with my magic but I come up with nothing.

My heart thunders in my chest.



As I practice walking on these wobbly legs, still in pain, I feel something caress my cheek.

My heart flutters as I see an image of someone familiar in my mind.

He has brown hair and.. his brown eyes glow blue sometimes?

I look up and see him across this field of flowers, as I've come to learn they are called.

He's standing next to someone that I feel like I should recognize.

I take a few tentative steps forward, and before I know it, I'm right in front of him.

Before I can greet him, I run into something.

I try again but it seems like I can't get any closer. (●︿●)

(Mini A/N: So before you guys ask, this is what is happening:

(Mini A/N: So before you guys ask, this is what is happening:

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. Bill keeps running into this invisible veil/wall thing.)

I accept defeat after a few tries, seeing as it doesn't get me anywhere.

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