Hiya Pinetree!

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-A few hours later-

Dipper's POV:

I head back home, exhausted from all of that shopping. I pull a wagon that I bought, behind me. I have most of the things that I bought, in it. The rest will be delivered to my house later.

I walk up the worn sidewalk, nearing the woods to take my new things home. I hear chatter around me and I see a bunch of couples walking by me

I can't help but feel lonely.

I've always been the outcast of my family, never been the one chosen first. I left so that I could change that but... It just doesn't seem like it ever will.

I pay little attention to my surroundings, too lost in thought. I absentmindedly pull my wagon behind me.

Bill's POV:
I heard that Pinetree moved back in town today. I'm so happy. Now this may seem sappy for me. Bill Cipher. A nefarious demon who everyone hates but... You know what? I don't know where I was going with that. I'm just misunderstood. Yeah I pretty much wrecked gravity falls beyond repair, but I didn't know what I was doing.

My sanity had snapped!

I wasn't in control of my actions at the time. It had been just barely hanging on by a thread before the pines twins came to town. I'm actually surprised that I held out so long. It had been at least a century since I had lost my brother. I think back to the day that I lost him.

It had been just five years after our parents sold us off to some rich idiots wanting to sacrifice us to summon demons. We had been tortured beyond belief and the pain was unimaginable. I kept eye contact with Will throughout the entire ordeal, trying to convey to him that I loved him very much and for him to not give up. We both held on. They tortured us and drew unbelievable amounts of blood. I'm surprised that we survived the blood loss. But we held on, not once breaking eye contact through the ordeal.

Then the pain finally ended after what felt like a century and suddenly Will and I started to levitate. The idiots who tortured us looked beyond terrified. Especially since our eyes started glowing and our hair became brighter and changed colors. I guess they did something wrong. Because instead of summoning demons, with our sacrifices, we became demons.

I was glad that their plan had gone awry. I wanted to make them pay. I promised them that I would come for them one day and then I left with Will.

We made a shelter out of a hollowed out tree in the woods. It wasn't very large, but it wasn't small either. We both settled down inside. I held him in my arms as he cried himself to sleep. I was always the strong one, never really showing my emotions. Will was the sensitive one.

He cried and cried. I just knew in that moment, that I would get our 'parents' back too. For putting Will through that pain. I wasn't mad that they put me through the pain, but they put him through it too. My sweet little innocent brother, that never did anything wrong and always tried his best to please them. I felt anger boiling in my veins as I formulated a plan.

I was about to go to sleep when I heard wolves howling in the distance. Will whimpered in his sleep. I prayed in my head that we would be safe, and I wished that we had a door on the tree, and that the tree was a bit bigger.

All of a sudden, a door made out of a strong looking material, appeared on the tree. Then the tree expanded enough to be the size of a small room. I wondered if I did that. I experimented a bit and made a mattress appear underneath us, as well as getting blankets and pillows. I saw an ant crawling up the side of the bark and I willed all of the bugs to stay outside. I just knew that they had all disappeared somehow. I smirked.

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