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Mabel's  POV:

I open my eyes to sunlight streaming through my window, and Waddles frantically tugging on my shirt. 

I sit up and ask groggily, "What is it Waddles?"

Waddles  says, "Oinkle an Oink Oink-yng."

My brain translates this quickly. 

Grunkle Stan is crying? 

I quickly get up and slip on my slippers. 

I ask Waddles, "Where is Grunkle Stan Waddles?"

Waddles looks at me and begins to walk out of the room, leading me to Grunkle Stan, me trailing behind him.

We get to the stairs leading up to Dipper's room. 

Waddles and I climb up.

When we reach the top of the stairs, Waddles leads me to Dipper's door, which is wide open. 

The first thing I see, when I look into the room is: Grunkle Stan. 

He's sitting on Dipper's bed crying into his hands. I quietly walk into the room. I place a comforting hand on his shoulder. 

I ask, "Grunkle Stan?  What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

He doesn't reply, just picks up a piece of paper that I hadn't noticed laying beside him and he hands it to me. 

It's a note from Dipper.

It reads:

'To whoever discovers this note. I'm fine, if you're at all concerned. I'm an 18-year-old adult now, so with my freedom, I'm choosing to go live life without you constantly looking over my shoulder. I choose to live by myself, away from this hell hole filled with hypocrites. I choose to seek a home where I'm treated decent, and not like some burdening waste of space. Don't come looking for me, because you already know where I'm heading, if you have any common sense at all (which I doubt). Mabel, if you are reading this, you know where I will be. Bye. Hope you all enjoy your lives without me.


I drop the note in shock.

Dipper left?  Why would he leave and think we'd be happy without him?!

I mean sure, I've given him the cold shoulder, and haven't talked to him since our parents died five years ago, but why would he just up and leave? And why would he assume that we'd know where he is?!

I didn't realize that I was just standing there frozen with my jaw dropped in shock, until Grunkle Stan was suddenly standing, waving a hand in front of my face.

I snapped out of it and noticed that all the tears were dry on Grunkle Stan's face.

I must've been like that for a while.

Grunkle Stan asks, "Hey kid. You okay?"

I nod.

"Yeah Grunkle Stan. I'm fine."

Grunkle Stan gives me a skeptical look, but just says, "Okay."

I ask, "Are You okay Grunkle Stan? "

He gives me a sheepish look.

He nods, "I'm okay now kid."

I smile and hug him. He hugs me back.

After a few moments, we part and go back downstairs to our separate rooms.

Waddles just follows me as I walk into my room. I wait for him to enter before I close my door. Then I walk over and lay on my bed. Waddles gets up onto my bed after I do and he cuddles into my side. I start petting him, while I stare at my ceiling. My eyes slightly glaze over in thought.

'Why would Dipper think we wouldn't be worried about him? Better yet, why would he assume that I of all people would know where he went,  unless... Gravity Falls? He went back to Gravity Falls? Without me!!? Why?!' 

All of these thoughts tire me and before I know it, I fall asleep.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. ((Mini explanation; Grunkle Stan lives with Mabel in California and Grunkle Ford lives in the Mystery Shack in Gravity Falls.  Also, Soos is the manager of The Mystery Shack in Gravity Falls))  Bye!  You guys are awesome! 😸😸😸

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