Opening The Gate (Part Two)

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'I feel a small pressure on my forehead, that causes me to look up, just as two people stumble out of the portal.'

Dipper's POV:

The glowing light from the portal vanishes abruptly, causing me to get spots in my vision, leaving two people in its place.

As my vision adjusts, I immediately recognize the one with blue hair as Will.

But who is the other guy?

I note that they're looking around confused and idly talking.

I stand up, since the rapid spiraling caused me to land on the ground.

The one with brown hair's eyes immediately dart towards me as I do, and he does this half-shielding move, half-standing in front of Will,

I slightly hold my hands up.

"I'm not going to hurt you or Will." I say in a calming tone.

The brown haired one gives me a suspicious look.

Will pipes up.

"How do you know my name?"

He steps in front of the mystery guy and the mystery guy sighs.

I half-smile.

"Bill told me all about you. He's been trying to find you since the day he sent you away to protect you."

"Wait your brother's been looking for you? How didn't we know that?" The stranger asks Will.

"Since he sent you away Will your connection grew weaker and weaker until one day he stopped feeling you at all. When that happened he thought you died and it broke him...." I reply, even though I wasn't the one asked.

Will slightly gasps.

I note some tears gathering in his eyes.

"So he's been trying to find me this whole time? I thought he forgot about me........."

The brown haired one gently turns Will towards him and pulls him into his arms, an act that reminds me of Bill.

I don't even notice when the tear streaks down my face, I just notice my vision getting blurry.

The mystery guy apparently noticed though.

"Hey are you okay?" He asks me.

I slightly shake my head no, hunching my shoulders and staring at the ground, as a few more spill out.

"Where is Bill anyway?" He gentles his tone.

I can barely get out the word.

"He's d-d-de-dead." I stutter, my voice becoming shaky.

I pull the sleeves of his hoodie over my fingers and clutch it in my hands.

Will, who stopped crying around the time I started, gasps.

"Dead?? My brother's dead?!" He says in a trembling tone.

I briefly nod my head and try to breath in and out normally and slow down my heartbeat.

I try to remind myself that I can get him back.

It doesn't really go over well because one minute I'm on my feet and the next I'm on the ground, being helped up by the guy.

I stand again with his help and I dry my eyes with the sleeves on this hoodie.

"S-sorry." I say, slowly recovering from my fainting spell.

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