The way you make me smile

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"You're my first priority right now Pinetree. Today is officially your day. What do you wanna do?"

He blushes.

"Well I've always wanted to go to Coney Island."

He looks up at me hopefully.

I snap my fingers. '


Dipper's POV:

I can honestly say that today was the best day I've ever had, my whole life.

I mean, besides the whole me being a hostage to those robbers earlier thing.


Bill took me to Coney island and we went on so many rides!

We played a lot of games too!

There was this tea cup ride for two that spun around when you turned your wheel.

I think that was my favorite one.

Then there was a 'cyclone' roller coaster that scared Bill so bad, he was clinging to me for dear life!

We swore off roller coasters after that.

There was a carousel too.

That had to be Bill's favorite.

There were a lot of different animals and he chose a unicorn, while I rode on the rainbow tiger one beside him. 

His eyes lit up brighter than the sun when it started. He told me that he never wanted it to end. We went around and around so many times, before I got him to do something different.

I talked him into riding on the ferris wheel with me, and it stopped at the top. 

I leant in for a kiss, and fireworks went off in the sky for some reason. 

I swear it was the most magical thing ever!

After that, we played a bunch of the games.

Bill ended up winning me this huge golden teddy bear that actually had a triangular eye patch on it.

It looked just like him, but as a bear!

I named the bear "Little Illuminacho" but 'Illumi ' for short.

Then Bill won me a bouquet of daisies and told me that they represented love and new beginnings.

My already red face, became even more intense.

We went to this dart throwing game that I swear was rigged, but after spending about an hour there (Bill  bought us an all access-24 hour pass), I finally won him something!

It was a dark blue, medium sized cat plushie, with a flower crown.

He loved it so much!

Get this.

He named it "Twinkles" because my birthmark is a bunch of linked stars in the sky.

I would've thought he'd name it something cheesy like 'little dipper' or just flat out call it 'constellation'.

Maybe even call it 'Pinetree.'

But I like twinkles better.

Besides Pinetree his nickname for me.

It'd kinda ruin it if he called someone or something else that.

Then he took me to a picture booth and he whispered, "You're the only constellation I need."

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