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Finally Picked First

Last Chapter: 'I snap out of my thoughts when I see a small flash of light beside me. I see a guy that looks my age with blonde hair, an eye patch, and a really bill cipher esque outfit. Then he calls me a nickname that I haven't heard in years. He says, "Hiya Pinetree". '

Dipper's POV:

My eyes widen.


The guy nods.

I start to back up, but stop.

The usual, maniacal gleam is gone from his eyes.

Well, eye, since his other one was covered with his customary eye patch.

I decide to give him a chance.


He starts,"First off, it was a copy. I was somewhere else."

I nod.

Bill continues,"Can I show you a memory?"

At my hesitation, he looks hurt.

"Ok. I just thought that it would be easier to show you..."

He looks down at his feet, not meeting my eyes.

After a moment of consideration, I decide to let him show me.

I say, "Ok."

He looks up, surprise written all over his face.

I raise an eyebrow.

He takes a step forward and puts two fingers from both of his hands, on my temples.

I open my eyes in a gray place that I recognize as a mindscape. Bill's mindscape. Then Bill appears beside me, and motions for me to follow him. He leads me me a navy blue door covered in chains. He takes a key from his pocket and looks at me. He says, "This is why I acted like I did... I'm going to let you see this, but I'll be waiting outside.... When you want out, just think about leaving."

He unlocks the door and then disappears. 

'I open the door and I see a younger bill, with brown hair. 

He looks human. 

I watch as he gets home from school one day, and he sees his parents talking to some well-off looking guys. 

He listens in on the conversation and learns that his parents are planning to sell him and his younger brother, who want to experiment on them. 

He rushes upstairs, as quietly as possible and he sees his brother on his bed reading a book. 

He walks over to the bed and his brother looks up. 

Seeing Bill's panicked look, he sits his book down. 

His brother asks him what's wrong and Bill tells him what their parents are doing. 

His brother, Will, didn't believe him at first, but after looking at Bill's face again, he believed him. 

Bill and his brother were just about to sneak out of the front door, when their mother asked them where they were going.

Bill said that him and his brother were going to go to the library, because he forgot to get a book for his homework, and Will was going to help him find it. 

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