Getting Settled

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-Later: 10pm Night-

Dipper's POV:

I lay awake in my bed thinking about the day.

'Finally! I finally got away. I don't have to deal with being put last anymore.'

I sigh.

'I really wish that I could have gotten away sooner, but I had to wait for a new bed, a dresser, and a few bookshelves to get shipped here. Since it took the bus a few hours to get here, I had asked Paz to put my things inside. She put them in the living room that is beside the entryway to my new house, so I could put them where I wanted to.'

I look around my room. It's bare right now, aside from my bed and the two bookshelves that I put against the wall and the few books that I have on one of them.

That's going to change tomorrow once I go into town.

I don't know how I'm going to decorate it, or my house yet, but I'll figure that out tomorrow. I roll over on my side and sleep consumes me.


-10 PM in California-
Mabel's POV:
I stare up at my ceiling still trying to figure out why Dipper left.

'Why did you go Dip? Did I do something wrong? Why did you leave me? I start to cry. I don't understand! DIPPER! Why?!'

Waddles who is cuddled up beside me nuzzles my hand with his nose trying to to calm me down.

In a hoarse voice, sniffing, I say," Thanks Waddles."

I roll over onto my side and a fitful sleep consumes me.

-The Next Morning-
Dipper's POV:
I open my eyes to sun streaming through my blinds, onto my face. I get up from my bed and decide to take a shower.

I take a white t-shirt and a red plaid button-up, towel, boxers, and skinny jeans out of my dresser.

I carry them into the bathroom and I sit them down onto the counter.

I shut the bathroom door and lock it out of habit and then I start the water in the shower and take my clothes off.

Then I step into the bathroom and shut the sliding (shower) door. The warm water runs down my skin and I wet my hair and grab my shampoo -having already put my bathroom stuff in here yesterday-, and I start washing my hair and take a shower to get ready for the day.

-Twenty minutes later-

I step out of the shower and I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist. I go to my sink and grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and I brush my teeth.

Once I'm done, I rinse off my toothbrush and I sit them back to where I had them on the counter.

Then I dry myself off with my towel and get dressed.

After ringing it out a bit, I hang my towel up for it to dry off.

I grab my comb off of the counter and gently brush through my tangled, unruly hair, before I go back into my room.

I grab my shoes and a pair of socks and I put them on. Then I walk out of my room, then through the front door (after locking it) and I head to town with things to buy in mind.


Hey guys! Just wanted to pop on here and say thank you for all of the support and well wishes in chat. For those of you who may be confused by the comment section, when I originally wrote this chapter I was really depressed. My friend named Hunter committed suicide in September of 2018 and I wasn't doing very good. Had a lot of what if thoughts and blamed myself for a while and cried a lot. Was mad at the world and upset at myself for never seeing the signs. Learned a lot of things about him that I never knew, after he was gone. Left a little reminder in here so he could "Live on in my story."

I will tell you however, I am doing so much better. 2020 was actually a worse year for me, and I was actually a pretty shitty person to people who cared about me. Ended up having only one friend that stuck around, since everyone basically lost touch. I still have my days but hey, so does everyone with depression.

I gave up on a lot of things because they ended up not being fun anymore, and have only recently gotten back to writing. Honestly don't know how long that'll last.

Can't say I haven't contemplated not being here anymore, however I've realized just how much the people around me care about me. I hardly get those thoughts anymore, which I'm sure will make all of y'all happy :3

I will also say, I'm here if anyone needs to talk to someone. I may not get back right away (my phone's bad with notifications) but I do reply. I want you to know that I care about you and hope you're having a good day, and if not I hope tomorrow's better.

(Also for anyone that struggles with motivation like me, there's an app on the play store called Finch that's helped me a lot. I also have Tochi Diary (which is a mood journal), and an app called I Am which gives you daily affirmations as frequently as you want them. And all of these are customizable)

Also not to be one of those people, but I have a new story out called Freaks and Beasts, and this is my most read story so :D Go read it if you feel like, and I hope you guys have a good day/night.

See you guys later


(Jun 23rd, 2022)

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