Dear Journal

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Dipper's POV:

I open up the Journal that Bill got me for my birthday, and pick up my pen and just start out as usual.

'February 2nd,

Dear Journal,

Hey again. I know I haven't written in a while... Well, today I just have a lot on my mind. I was actually thinking about Mabel... I know I shouldn't... but I miss her.

However, I've also been thinking about all the things she did wrong, that Bill's been helping point out. For one, she was the family's favorite and got all of the attention. She always got presents and everyone always forgot our birthday was mine too. She... she's ostracized me since day one.

She blamed me for mom and dad's car crash even though it didn't have anything to do with me.... I wasn't even there!


'I remember Stan and Ford just made the bus driver let Mabel bring Waddles. She and Waddles sat beside me for some reason and I slept most of the ride. When I woke up, she was asleep leaning half on me half on waddles. A note was on the floor that said 'see you next summer' signed by 'our' friends.

 A note was on the floor that said 'see you next summer' signed by 'our' friends

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I say our like that because it was apparently secretly just for her. And just when I thought I'd finally made some friends too! So I crumpled up the note and put it in my pocket so I could burn it later. I just felt so betrayed because I thought that they were different. I sat there uncomfortably for about another hour and then we were there. I shook Mabel to wake her and grabbed my things, her following behind me.

Mom and Dad were waiting for us at the bus stop smiling brightly until they saw Waddles. They actually told Mabel that she couldn't have something for once! Never had I ever felt so much satisfaction until that moment! But then Mabel got her way anyways after causing a scene. We were driven home and I was ignored as usual. We put our things away and even ate dinner.

Dad actually asked me for once if I wanted to go to the store with him. I didn't want to go though, because I was really tired and it was about 8 PM and we had school the next day. So I declined. Mom went with him instead and I went up to bed.

Next day I woke up because Mabel slapped me and then started screaming. I was in so much shock. She even said she would have killed me in a heartbeat if she knew that they were going to die. Kept screaming about how it was my fault. That I should have gone with dad so she could at least have had a mother. She left after screaming some more and slammed my door shut so hard the hinges shook. Snapped me out of my shock.

So I stood up, locked the door and just curled up in a ball and started crying. Because she wasn't the only one that missed them. I overheard the police later, telling Ford, who moved down here to be our guardian, about how apparently they were headed back from the store when a car in the wrong lane came speeding towards their car. The crash killed all of the passengers in both vehicles.

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