I... think I like you

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Last chapter:'All of a sudden, I find myself being lifted up before Bill can even react.

One of the guy pulls me to their chest and demands for everyone to do it faster or they'll kill me.

I'm frozen in shock.

And all I can think is, "Why me?"'
A/N: This is the second part to the last chapter lol. I realized that I accidentally posted this one whist sleeping and a lot of you read this incomplete chapter. Sorry.

Also, as stated in the tags, this is a bxb and gxg book, so if ya don't like, don't read. I ain't forcing you.

Bill's POV:

I see a pair of suspicious guys walk in, the same time that pinetree does.

We both watch them, and sure enough, they pull out guns and demand the money in the cash register.

I push Pinetree behind me, trying to hide him.

We watch as, when they get finished emptying the cash register into a bag, they demand everyone else to give up their money.

People all around the cafe fumble for their wallets, their hands shaking too badly to move that fast.

I did expect them to try to get a hostage.

What I didn't expect, was for them to sneak behind me and pick up Pinetree.

They demand everyone to speed it up, or my dear Pinetree will get it.

People start moving a lot faster, emptying their wallets and coin purses into the bag.

I quickly erect an invisible shield around myself and Pinetree, before vaulting over the booth.

They shoot at me but the bullets bounce off of my shield and embed themselves into the wall.

They stare dumbfounded at me, before shooting at Pinetree.

Even though I realize that he won't be hurt, I launch myself at them, banishing their guns outside in a moments notice.

My eyes turn completely black in rage.

I don't realize it, but I inadvertently put a foggy barrier around me, so Pinetree doesn't see me rip them apart.

I couldn't care less about the others.

I rip them apart with my claws, tearing through flesh and sinew.

Ripping limbs and bones from their bodies.

Once they are too disfigured and too dead to be classified as human, I banish their remains to the woods where the coyotes live.

I stand up and the foggy barrier dissipates.

Pinetree sees me and rushes over.

He hug me and ruffles my hair.

"Bill. Snap out of it!"

I stand unresponsive, not able to at the moment.

He says, "Bill please!  You protected me!  You protected all of us!"

I still can't reply.

Pinetree gets a sad look on his face, before a determined one replaces it.

He takes a step closer and cups my cheeks, looking into my still-black-as-obsidian eyes.

Then he stands on his tiptoes and leans forward, slowly pressing his lips to mine, and sealing our lips in a kiss.

I start to feel the darkness within me receding.

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