Opening The Gate (Part Three)

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Last Chapter:
'And I'd say, since there are three of us, we probably have to link hands in a circle, his body in the middle of us. And for there to be an equal balance, I have to shed some blood to, since he's mine... Mason I'm betting you have to be our anchor and don't really have to do much except make sure we come back from the other side of the veil and that our hands stay linked."

After explaining, I look at them.

They nod, indicating they understand.

I nod in return and start walking, indicating for them to follow.'

A/N: I listened to "Be Kind by Halsey & Marshmallo" on loop while writing this chapter btw (^w^). That's what it's linked for ╰(◡‿◡✿╰). It may sound best when they're going to rescue Bill though *smiles* (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


Dipper's POV:

I lead them to our home, not teleporting to save energy.

As we walk my mind recounts memories that we created together.

I remember the sad look in his eyes changing to a hopeful one, then finally a happy one, when I first forgave him.......

I remember falling asleep in those woods by him then him being frustratingly hard to wake up...and his snores...

A quiet chuckle escapes me.

I push past the wave of sadness that floods my senses, knowing that I'm about to get the love of my life back....I won't accept anything less......

I remember when I held his hand the whole walk back to my house and didn't even realize it until I went to cook some food, because holding his hand felt so something second nature....

My eyes mist over with tears and I pause in stride for a moment repeating to myself that "I will get him back!".....

I exhale a deep breath that is a bit shaky. 

If they noticed they don't say anything.

I pull my memories back to the forefront of my mind, using them like a protective shield against the bad ones that are trying to overcome me.

I remember that same day helping him get that stubborn glob of syrup off of his cheek and falling on top of him...the only reason I got up so fast was because I wasn't sure why it felt like I should stay there......still remember that cute stunned look on his face after he fell and his hair all messed up....and the blush that covered his face.....

Thinking about that day makes me want to go back if only to have been with him longer and realized it sooner that he was the one.....that he was mine....

My eyes cloud over with tears again and a small sob escapes, only serving to make me walk faster.......

I remember him pointing out my constellation in the sky that night on top of my roof and saying that it was me.....I remember blushing and getting a little flustered even though I didn't know why yet...

Tears start escaping, dripping off my chin.

Then I remember holding him in my arms when he became upset recalling his actions in his demon form that had hurt me, (that weren't even his actions because they were all really Pyronica), and him crying, doubting that I'd ever be his friend........

I remember his face when I reassured him, like maybe there was hope for him....that maybe someone would forgive him....

I remember building that friendship with him, even though something always felt a little off when I said 'friend'

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