Delving Into Insanity

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Bill's POV:

We stand in front of the chained up door and I take a deep breath.

Pinetree kisses my cheek.

"So this is it huh?" I laugh nervously.

I really can't relieve these memories, but if I could find Will..............

I resign myself to doing it for Will.

I just hope Pinetree......... doesn't hate me...........

I take a hesitant step forward, but am stopped by a hand on my arm.

I look at Pinetree, wondering if he could see the fear in my eyes.

Pinetree smiles.

"Bill I can read your thoughts remember?"

He steps forward and kisses me, once again shocking me, not for the last time, because of how much love is infused in it.

He laughs in my mind.

'Of course there's going to be love there you doofus! I love you! How many times do I have to tell you that? And Bill, seeing you at your worse will only serve to let me help you heal. Fiance remember?' 

He pulls back from the kiss and flashes his ring at me, quickly pulling the chain out from under his shirt, then tucking it back.

I smile, surprised to find tears in my eyes.

My pinetree kisses me again.

'I love you, so will you stop doubting it?' He says in my mind.

'I can't help it.' I reply.

'Yes you can. I swear when we get out of here I'm going to show you all over again.'

He pulls back with a glint in his slightly glowing blue eyes.

I blush.

"Now we have to do this to find your brother. I'm not going to hate you Bill. I love you so much.  Now lets go do this before you talk yourself out of it again." He says.

I nod.

He takes my hand and laces our fingers together.

He guides me to the door and we open it together, stepping through the threshold in unison, the door shutting behind us.

And so the memories begin.........


Time flashes by as we rewatch my parents selling me and my brother.....

The pain..... the torture....

Our hideout or safe haven as the riddle called it..........

Me and him training our powers.....

That fateful day at the bookshop........

Me sending him away......

The anger.......

My rampage.......

Years passing as I missed him everyday........

His pain.........

Not feeling his emotions............

Giving into the insanity..................................................

So it began.......


'My younger self throws a journal that was hardly more than scribbles now, against the wall. 

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