Why me?

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Last Chapter: 'I hold my hand out to him.


He nods, and shakes my hand.

We both smile.'


~Le Shout-out to  Bdipper who had the most accurate guess last chapter. Ur awesome ^w^~

-A Few Months Later-

Dipper's POV:

I wake up, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

After a few moments, I sit up and hit the 'snooze' button on my alarm.

I sit up, groaning.

I stumble out of bed and nearly fall flat on my face, when my sheet, still tangled to my legs, tries to trip me.

I kick it off and go into my bathroom, forgetting to get clothes.

I shut the door and fumble, getting my clothes off.

I step into the shower and shut the slider door.

I turn on the water and yelp when a cold stream hits my body, before warming.

"Well, I'm definitely awake now," I grumble.

I start by washing my hair.

I think about what's been going on the  past few months, since being reacquainted with Bill.


It all started out kind of awkward.

I continued to try and convince Bill that I forgave him.

After a while, he finally got it through his thick skull.

Though, while I was still trying to convince him that I wanted to be his friend and that I forgave him, I had forgotten to call Paz and let her know how things were going.

So, one day she had shown up unannounced, and Bill had answered the door, since I was in the shower.

She asked him where I was and he told her that I was in the shower. 

Bill was shirtless at the time and Paz made some assumptions.

When I came downstairs after getting dressed, she told me that I had worried her.

I told her that I forgot and that I was sorry.

Then she asked me, if the reason that I had forgotten had been because of my boyfriend.

She said this while motioning to Bill.

Bill and I had both blushed.

Then I told her that Bill was just a friend.

She had noticed his eye patch and hair, and with his name... Well she put the pieces together.

She asked me how I could be friends with him after all that he had done to us, and Bill had looked to the floor in shame.

I defended Bill telling her how she didn't know anything about him, or why he did what he did.

A big argument ensued.

After Paz left, Bill told me that it would probably be better if weren't friends, because he thought he was ruining my life.

I told him off after that and screamed at him a bit.

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