The One I love (Epilogue)

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'He kissed me back immediately and I felt him smile against my lips, which caused me to smile in return.

Then my eyes started glowing and my demon took over, teasingly nipping at his lip, while pulling back from the kiss.

This caused his eyes to glow and his demon to come forward as well.

We cling to each other, kissing, demons beginning to tease each other, and we climb off the roof, shut the window, then stumble onto the bed, not letting each other go.


A/N: Picture above isn't mine. It was one of the few billdip wedding pictures I could find with them in suits. Also, song at the top is their wedding song😁😊.

-A few months later-

Dipper's POV:

This was it. It was finally time.

In a few minutes I'd walk out there and we'd say our vows.

I stand in front of the mirror and nervously straighten my tie.

My hands become fidgety.

I straighten my suit and make sure everything's buttoned.

Does my hair look ok?

I flatten a portion that looks poofier than the rest.

I lightly brush my hands on my pants, my palms getting sweaty.

Just then I hear Bill's voice in my head, and I quickly turn away from the mirror.

"Baby I bet you look incredible."

"Bill! You're not supposed to see me until I walk out!"

"*chuckles* no need to worry not looking."

-short pause-

"Did you hear me?"

"About you not looking? Yeah."

"No. I said I bet you look incredible."

"I know. Just wanted to hear you say it again. 😊."


I laugh out loud.

"Well I bet you look hot right now~ "


"And I bet you're blushing right now."

"(˶> ᎑ <˶) how'd ya know?"

"Uh cuz I know you. Ah nah we finna get married and know nothing about each other. Totally." I reply sarcastically.


I smile.

"And you're smiling right now aren't you?" Bill asks.


"Confirmed. I know my Pinetree!"

I chuckle.

"And I know my dorito~"


"Blushing again huh?"


"My illuminacho~~"

"(˶> ᎑ <˶)..."

I smile.

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