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Last Chapter:'I would get up, but Bill is so warm.

I yawn, sleepily.

I pull the blanket over the both of us, and my eyelids start to flutter.

I tiredly listen to Bill's light snores, until I drift off to sleep as well'


Dipper's POV:

I blink my eyes open, to the harsh glare of the morning sun.

I close my eyes and try to roll over.

Only, I can't.

I'm trapped against something.

I blink the tiredness out of my eyes, rubbing my face.

Only to pull it back in confusion.

It came away wet.

I look over my shoulder and I see a blonde haired guy there, dressed a lot like Bill Cipher.

Then I suddenly remember what happened yesterday.

Me walking back to my house, after having bought some things for my new house.

Me getting stopped halfway home, by this guy, who looked a lot like Bill Cipher.

Me realizing that this guy was actually Bill Cipher.

Bill showing me his memories, looking all for the world like I wouldn't understand or forgive him.

Me forgiving Bill.

Bill crying in my arms, eventually falling asleep.

Me getting tired and too lazy to move.

Me grabbing one of the blankets that I had bought and covering us both with it.

Me not wanting to move because Bill was so warm.

Me falling asleep beside Bill.

I come out of my flashback, flushing deeply red as I realize that Bill's arms are wrapped around me.

I roll over the other way.

I see Bill sleeping so peacefully, a smile on his face.

Bangs covering his eyes.

Before I know what I'm doing, I reach out and gently push his bags away from his eyes.

My hand, again, moves with it's own accord and lightly caresses his cheek.

He mumbles in his sleep, "Pinetree~💙"

I freeze, blushing brighter.

He doesn't wake up though.

I try to duck under his arm, but he pulls me closer. 

I squeak.

I turn back towards him and shake his shoulders.

"Bill. Wake up."

He grumbles in his sleep, rolling over and taking me with him.

A frustrated noise tears itself out of my throat.

He pulls me even closer and we're almost nose to nose.

"Bill freaking Cipher I swear to freaking god!"

He just grumbles again.

At this point, I just wack him on the head with my hand.

His eyes fly open.

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